1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 4, 2008 11:10 PM by keithnaas

    Trinidad and file handles unclosed


      I have a question about Trinidad.
      Since Seam recommends Trinidad's usage.

      We have a problem that Trinidad does not closes file handles
      so our application will soon reach the file handle limit then our entire application becomes unstable as we can no longer use anything that depends on opening file handles or named pipes.

      Our scaling is about 20 users just because of Trinidad!

      We were digging in it and it seems like a problem jarURLconnection.getLastModified() in JVM? but it makes Trinidad un-usable.

      We have Trinidad 1.2

      Bug Report


        • 1. Re: Trinidad and file handles unclosed

          Sounds like you're taking the right approach by reporting the bug with Trinidad.  Speaking from experience, the quickest way to a fix is to code up a patch and attach it to the bug?

          Is it possible that only certain Trinidad components are the ones making the problem so bad?  Can you identify what those components are and then try to find an alternative instead of using them?

          You also might try the first library mentioned in the docs:

          We recommend JBoss RichFaces, ...