7 Replies Latest reply on Mar 6, 2008 4:29 PM by franciscoperedo

    Can I bind form controls to hashtable like a pojo?

      I know it is really easy to bind form elements to a POJO... but I am having an special case where a form is dynamically generated at runtime, and I want to bind all the elements in a page to a Hashtable in my controller...

      Can I bind my JSF controls to a Hashtable in the same way I do it with a Pojo? or should I use a different technique to deal with forms dynamically generated at runtime?



        • 1. Re: Can I bind form controls to hashtable like a pojo?


          yes, it is possible to use a HashMap (or afaik any type of Map) to dynamically map values to your JSF controls. I did it like this:

          In the Bean I defined a HashMap like this (including getter/setter)

          private Map<String, Object> valueMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();

          the EL binding then looks like this:


          you can also take this further and access a specific property of an POJO within the Map... e.g.:



          • 2. Re: Can I bind form controls to hashtable like a pojo?

            Or even


            should do, as long as the keyString doesn't have any spaces/dots/any other funky chars...

            • 3. Re: Can I bind form controls to hashtable like a pojo?

              Hi! Thanks for answering!

              Your answer is is almost what I am looking for... but...
              I am hitting a big wall here... the keyString in


              needs to be a variable!

              The thing is i am painting an input text for each dynamic field using a repeater... but now.. to bind that with the HashMap, I need to bind each input with a different key in the hashmap... and I can not find the way to do it!!!


              • 4. Re: Can I bind form controls to hashtable like a pojo?

                Can you post your xhtml? 

                • 5. Re: Can I bind form controls to hashtable like a pojo?

                  Hi! thanks!

                  Here it is (I basically read de structure of the form some
                  tables in the database, and create it ):

                  <a:repeat value="#{inventario.plantilla.clasificacionCamposList}"
                      <f:facet name="header">#{clasificacion.nombre}</f:facet>
                      <a:repeat value="#{clasificacion.camposList}" var="campo">
                        <s:decorate template="../layout/edit.xhtml">
                        <ui:define name="label">#{campo.nombre}</ui:define>
                        <h:selectOneMenu rendered="#{not empty campo.caracteristicaList}">
                        <s:selectItems value="#{campo.caracteristicaList}" var="caracteristica"
                        <h:inputText rendered="#{empty campo.caracteristicaList}"></h:inputText>

                  Any hints?

                  • 6. Re: Can I bind form controls to hashtable like a pojo?

                    Here is a simplified version:

                        <a:repeat value="#{controller.fieldList}" var="field">
                          <h:outputText value="#{field.name}"/>

                    How do I bind this dynamically generated inputTexts to a HashMap using the field.name? I mean, AFAIK this will not work:

                        <a:repeat value="#{controller.fieldList}" var="field">
                          <h:outputText value="#{field.name}"/>
                          <h:inputText #{controller.valueMap[field]}/>

                    Any hints?

                    • 7. Re: Can I bind form controls to hashtable like a pojo?

                      My mistake, the code in my controller had an error, the following works:

                       <a:repeat value="#{controller.fieldList}" var="field">
                            <h:outputText value="#{field.name}"/>
                            <h:inputText #{controller.valueMap[field]}/>

                      Thanks! Seam is great!
