1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 8, 2008 6:12 PM by bogdanminciu.bogdan.minciu.yahoo.com

    Securing pages leads to HTTP Status 404


      As I read from chapter 13.6.4. Securing pages of the Seam Reference, the way of securing access to certain pages though Seam Security Module is to include a <restrict> element. And I did something like this in my pages.xml:

      <page view-id="/xcms/home.xhtml">

      When trying to access the /xcms/home.xhtml page as a non-logged in user, a org.jboss.seam.security.NotLoggedInException is thrown and I'm kindly redirected to the /login.xhtml. So the restrict works so far.

      But after I log-in and try to access /xcms/home.xhtml I got an ugly 404:

      HTTP Status 404 - /xcms/home.seam
      type Status report
      message /xcms/home.seam
      description The requested resource (/xcms/home.seam) is not available.

      I placed on other page some checking:

      <h:outputText value="#{s:hasRole('user')}"/>
      <h:outputText value="#{identity.hasRole('user')}"/>

      to see if something went wrong in the authenticate() method, but both expressions are evaluated to true, so the logged user received the 'user' role.

      Could anyone please post a hint on where I went wrong? Thank you in advance,
