1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 24, 2008 8:46 AM by joerg.joerg.schneider.e-custody.de

    HotelBooking sample runs on Weblogic 10MP1



      with a lot of help from Christian and some help of BEA I finally got the HotelBooking sample up and running under Weblogic 10MP1. Christian spend a lot of effort in resolving several issues with Seam/Weblogic and did describe all the fixes needed in Jira JBSEAM-2592 ( see http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBSEAM-2592 ). As per my understanding, these fixes will be released with Seam 2.1.0 once finalized. Regarding the well know vararg/ejb issue, there are currently two options :
      1) ask BEA for a patch CR327275 which resolves this issue. This patch won't be available for the public I guess, but BEA promised to include this fix in a later official WL 10.3 release.
      2) exclude the TimerService bean from the Seam distribution, which is currently the only ejb that is using varargs and therefore causing trouble.
      I'd be interested if any more prople get the Hotelbooking sample running in WL 10MP1 following the instructions described in Jira JBSEAM-2592. The respective comments in there related to the CR327275 from BEA are outdated and the most recent version of this CR works fine.


        • 1. Re: HotelBooking sample runs on Weblogic 10MP1

          I forgot one important thing - it seems to be essential to use the JRockit JVM version to get this running in Weblogic - at least on Windows and Suse Linux platforms. Christian did some test and found that only on some Ubuntu Linux a Sun JVM can be used. This is due to a yet to be analysed different behaviour of the JVM's in how varargs/transient flags are treated for methods/fields. On Windows and Suse Linux, any Sun JVM (regardless with version) and any JRockit JVM prior version seem to treat those flags not properly causing subsequent deployment errors.