2 Replies Latest reply on Mar 26, 2008 10:46 AM by dam

    accessing an object set via ui:param in a bean


      Can I access an object set via ui:param in a bean?

        • 1. Re: accessing an object set via ui:param in a bean

          Not sure if I understand you, but the way ui:param works is that you normally set it as a bean or bean property.

          eg. if I have a Bean called MyBean and use ui:include like this:

          <ui:include src="/page.xhtml">
             <ui:param name="bean" value="#{myBean}"/>

          then I can refer to MyBean in the page.xhtml as #{bean} - ie. the name of the param. So any change you make in MyBean will be available in the page via the ui:param.

          Have a read of the Facelets docs



          • 2. Re: accessing an object set via ui:param in a bean


            Reading up on the facelets I can see where my misunderstanding came from

            I was trying to do something like this

            <ui:repeat value="#{page.gadgets}" var="g" >
              <ui:include src="/book/gadgets/#{g.typeName}.xhtml">
                <ui:param name="gadget" value="${g}" />

            Which isn't possible because of the different times of evaluation of the facelets tags. (I thought they were evaluated at the same time)

            This was interesting

            So I use the c:forEach tag instead.