8 Replies Latest reply on Jun 5, 2009 4:25 PM by vasana

    File Upload


      I am trying to upload a file using s:fileUpload tag. How ever the file conten is always null.

      Here is my web.xml

         <filter-name>Seam Multipart Filter</filter-name>
             <filter-name>Seam Multipart Filter</filter-name>

      My component.xml

      <component class="org.jboss.seam.web.MultipartFilter">
             <property name="createTempFiles">true</property>
             <property name="maxRequestSize">10000000</property>
             <property name="url-pattern">*.seam</property>

      My view,

      <td colspan="2"><s:fileUpload data="#{sarmgr.fileData.data}"  fileName="#{sarmgr.fileName}" 
      fileSize="#{sarmgr.fileSize}"  accept="" style=" width : 99%;"  /> </td>

      and my Backing EJB is,

      private String fileName;
          private Integer fileSize;
          private byte[] data;
          private String contentType;
      @Begin(join = true, flushMode = FlushModeType.MANUAL)
           public String addTask() {
                if (addedTasks == null) {
                     addedTasks = new ArrayList<OsaTask>(0);
       // This always prints null

      I am i missing or doing wrongly?

        • 1. Re: File Upload

          Can you post the whole backing bean...

          maybe in the view you need to reference sarmgr.data rather than sarmgr.fileData.data.

          Also you have your form set to

             <h:form enctype="multipart/form-data">

          • 2. Re: File Upload

            can you post also the whole view.
            You can't do anfile upload with an ajax request.

            • 3. Re: File Upload

              Thanks all for the reply yes i have set the form enctype property still doesnt solve it. any here is my backing bean and view

                <ui:define name="content">
                          <div align = "center">
                            <h:messages styleClass="message"/> 
                         <table style="border : 0px;"> <tr ><td width="100%" colspan="6" ><img src="tablfill.gif"/></td></tr></table>
                  <h:form id="frmsar" enctype="multipart/form-data">
                         <div >
                              <table width="100%" style="border : 0px;">
                             <tr >
                                   <td colspan="8" class="sectionhead">
                                    <h:outputText value="Server Access Request" ></h:outputText>
                           <table width="100%" style="border : 0px;">
                             <tr >
                                    <td width="10%"> <h:outputLabel value="SAR Id"  styleClass="label" style=" width : 100%;"/> </td>
                                    <td width="25%"> <h:outputText value="#{sarmgr.osaSarId}" style=" width : 100%;"/></td>
                                    <td width="10%">
                                       <h:outputLabel for="statusMsg" styleClass="label" style=" width : 100%;">Status</h:outputLabel>
                                    <td width="25%">
                                        <h:outputText id="statusMsg" value="Pending" style=" width : 100%;"></h:outputText>
                                 <tr ><td width="100%" colspan="6" ><img src="rowlfill.gif"/></td></tr>
                                 <td width="10%"><h:outputLabel for="listemployee" styleClass="label" value="Requester" style=" width : 80%;"/></td>
                                 <td width="25%"><h:outputText id="listemployee" value="#{currentUser.tblEmployee.name}" style=" width : 80%;"/></td>
                                 <td width="10%"> <h:outputLabel value="Req.For" for="listdeptemployees" styleClass="label" style=" width : 100%;"/> </td>
                                 <td width="25%">
                                          <h:selectOneMenu value="#{employee}" id="listdeptemployees"  style=" width : 100%;"
                                          rendered="#{osamgr.isTsh or osamgr.isHod}" >
                                            <s:convertEntity />
                                           <s:selectItems value="#{deptemployees}" var="emp" label="#{emp.name}" noSelectionLabel="Please Select"/>
                                            <h:outputText value="#{currentUser.tblEmployee.name}"   style=" width : 100%;"
                                          rendered="#{!osamgr.isTsh and !osamgr.isHod}"/>
                                 <tr ><td width="100%" colspan="6" ><img src="rowlfill.gif"/></td></tr>
                                    <td width="10%"><h:outputLabel for="txtDateRaised" styleClass="label" style=" width : 100%;">Raised</h:outputLabel> </td>
                                    <td width="15%" >
                                          <h:outputText id="txtDateRaised" value="#{osaSar.dateRaised}"  style=" width : 100%;">  
                                              <f:convertDateTime type="date" pattern="dd/MM/yyyy" timeZone="#{osamgr.timeZone}"/>
                                    <td width="10%"><h:outputLabel for="reqDate" styleClass="label" style=" width : 100%;">Expected</h:outputLabel> </td>
                                    <td width="25%">
                                          <rich:calendar width="60%" id="reqDate" value="#{osaSar.expectedCompletion}" 
                                                 datePattern="dd/MM/yyyy"  direction="bottom-right" />
                                 <td colspan="4">
                                      <table width="100%" style="border : 0px;">
                                        <tr ><td width="100%" colspan="6" ><img src="rowlfill.gif"/></td></tr>
                                     <td colspan="4"  align="center" >
                                 <td colspan="4">
                                      <table width="100%" style="border : 0px;">
                                        <tr ><td width="100%"/></tr>
                                     <td width="10%">
                                       <h:outputLabel for="listAccesType" styleClass="label" style=" width : 100%;">Access</h:outputLabel>
                                    <td width="25%">
                                        <h:selectOneMenu value="#{accesstype}" id="listAccesType" styleClass="select" style=" width : 85%;">
                                          <s:convertEntity />
                                       <s:selectItems value="#{accesstypes}" var="accesstype" label="#{accesstype.description}" noSelectionLabel="Please Select"/>
                                     <td width="10%">
                                       <h:outputLabel for="listtaskaction" styleClass="label" style=" width : 100%;">Action</h:outputLabel>
                                    <td width="25%">
                                       <h:selectOneMenu value="#{taskaction}" id="listtaskaction" styleClass="select" style=" width : 85%;">
                                         <s:convertEntity />
                                       <s:selectItems value="#{taskactions}" var="taskaction" label="#{taskaction.description}" noSelectionLabel="Please Select"/>
                               <tr ><td width="100%" colspan="6" ><img src="rowlfill.gif"/></td></tr>
                                 <td width="10%">
                                     <h:outputLabel for="listtaskreason" styleClass="label" style=" width : 100%;">Reason</h:outputLabel>
                                   <td width="25%">
                                      <h:selectOneMenu value="#{taskreason}" id="listtaskreason" styleClass="select" style=" width : 85%;">
                                         <s:convertEntity />
                                       <s:selectItems value="#{taskreasons}" var="taskreason" label="#{taskreason.description}" noSelectionLabel="Please Select"/>
                                    <td width="10%">
                                     <h:outputLabel for="txtValidity" styleClass="label" style=" width : 100%;">Validity</h:outputLabel>
                                  <td width="15%">
                                     <h:inputText value="#{osaTask.validity}" id="txtValidity"  maxlength="3"  
                                             style="width:30px" />&#160;<h:outputLabel value="days" /><h:outputLabel style="font-size: 10px;" value=" (Empty or 0 for infinite validity)" />
                                 <tr ><td width="100%" colspan="6" ><img src="rowlfill.gif"/></td></tr>
                                     <td width="15%"> <h:outputLabel styleClass="label" style=" width : 100%;">Attachment</h:outputLabel></td>
                                     <td colspan="2"><s:fileUpload  data="#{sarmgr.data}"  fileName="#{sarmgr.fileName}" 
                                            fileSize="#{sarmgr.fileSize}"  accept="" style=" width : 99%;"  /> </td>

              and the backing EJB is

              public class SARManager implements ISar {
                private String fileName;
                  private Integer fileSize;
                  private byte[] data;
                  private String contentType;
              @Begin(join = true, flushMode = FlushModeType.MANUAL)
                   public String addTask() {
                        if (addedTasks == null) {
                             addedTasks = new ArrayList<OsaTask>(0);

              • 4. Re: File Upload

                I was looking for the button that submit your form, but i can't find it in your view.
                Make sure that you don't submit with an ajax request.

                • 5. Re: File Upload

                  I assume you have a have something like

                  <h:commandXXXX action="#{sarmgr.addTask}">


                  getters/setters for data/fileName/fileSize?

                  I get a zero length byte array if I submit a form with no file chosen, so could you try to check that the setData(byte[] data) actually is called (and set to null)?

                  • 6. Re: File Upload

                    Thanks Roth i will try that way

                    • 7. Re: File Upload

                      hey ,
                      did you get this working a i am also facing the same problem

                      • 8. Re: File Upload

                        Yes I got it working.Prolem is I was using a4j:commandbutton ( which is Ajax based) When i changed it to h:commandButton it worked. Good luck.