3 Replies Latest reply on Apr 5, 2008 5:44 PM by pmuir

    empty operator always returns false after a @DataModel refresh event



      I encounter problems using @DataModel annotation and <rich:datatable> tag. The empty operator doesn't work when refreshing the content after an event is raised ; it always returns false.

      My @DataModel is as following :

      protected VOTacheValidationDemandeAbsence[] listeDemandesAbsenceAValider;

      I have a @Factory method :

      public void loadListeDemandesAbsenceAValider() 
          this.listeDemandesAbsenceAValider = getServiceAbsence().listerDemandesAbsenceAValider(this.actor.getId());

      A method which raise the event to refresh the data model :

      public void choisirTransitionTache(Long taskId, String transition)
      throws java.lang.Exception
          this.processHandler.followTransition(taskId, transition);

      And part of the facelet :

      <h:outputText value="#{messages['label.validationDemandesAbsence.empty']}" rendered="#{empty listeDemandesAbsenceAValider}"/>
      <rich:dataTable value="#{listeDemandesAbsenceAValider}" var="task" rendered="#{not empty listeDemandesAbsenceAValider}">
                oncomplete="Richfaces.showModalPanel('panelDetailDemandeAbsence')" />
           <h:outputText value="#{task.demandeAbsence.dateDemande}">
                <s:convertDateTime type="date"/>
           <s:button value="#{messages['label.demandeAbsence.accepter']}" action="#{validationDemandesAbsenceAction.choisirTransitionTache(task.idTache, 'ok')}"  />
           <s:button value="#{messages['label.demandeAbsence.refuser']}" action="#{validationDemandesAbsenceAction.choisirTransitionTache(task.idTache, 'nok')}"  />

      It works well the first time. But when I call the method firing the refresh event, the empty operator always returns false while the list is empty (rowcount = 0 when I look at it in debug page). Same problem if the data model is a List. But if I stop using @DataModel and use @Out instead, no more problems ! So I think this is really a problem with @DataModel annotation.

      Anyone has an idea what this problem comes from ?