1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 2, 2008 12:48 PM by pmuir

    Format localized text with parameters inside facelets


      I need to output the localized text

      Step #0/#1

      Where #0 and #1 are replaced with my own values

      Using it from Action works fine


      But I need to format directly inside my facelet, I've tried

      <h:outputFormat value="#{messages['general.step.label']}">
              <f:param value="1" />
              <f:param value="10" />

      But #0 and #1 aren't replaced (IMHO JSF expects {0} instead of #0)

      How can I replace Seam #0 string from facelets?

      Seam used seam-2.0.0.GA
      JBoss 4.2.2.GA