9 Replies Latest reply on Apr 18, 2008 11:03 AM by mars1412

    page parameter in 2.0.1.GA

      I have a link that opens page a and passes webUserId as request parameter.
      so, now in the browser I see an URL like this.


      this page's page.xml file defines the corresponding page parameter:

      <param name="webUserId" value="#{webUserHome.webUserId}" required="true" />

      on this very same page, I have a s:link element like this:

      <s:link value="#{messages['galleries']}" view="..user_galleries.xhtml" />

      which is rendered as this HTML:

      <a id="j_id60" href="..user_galleries.seam?cid=169">galleries</a>

      • shouldn't the page parameter webUserId be included as a request parameter??

      the reference says:

      Any <s:link> or <s:button> transparently propagates the request parameter 
      if that parameter is listed as a page parameter for the view.

        • 1. Re: page parameter in 2.0.1.GA

          s:link takes into account when rendering the target page (usergalleries.xhtml in your case) so the solution is to add the param tag in usergalleries.page.xhtml

          • 2. Re: page parameter in 2.0.1.GA

            sorry about previous post but this editor is quite unusual...

            s:link takes into account the target page (usergalleries.xhtml in your case) so the solution is to add the param tag in usergalleries.page.xhtml

            • 3. Re: page parameter in 2.0.1.GA

              oh - I forgot to mention that I also have this page parameter on the target page:

              <param name="webUserId" value="#{webUserGalleriesHome.webUserId}" required="true" />

              this also does not propagate the page parameter

              the only thing that works is this:

              <f:param name="webUserId" value="#{webUserHome.webUserId}"/>

              which I would not call transparent..

              What am I doing wrong?

              • 4. Re: page parameter in 2.0.1.GA

                The more testing/debugging i do, the more confused I get...

                here is my simple testcase:

                • I have 2 conversation scoped POJO seam components that have a string value.

                • I have 2 testpages


                <param name="pageParam1" value="#{testBean1.value}" />


                     pageParam1:      "#{pageParam1}"<br />
                     testBean1.value: "#{testBean1.value}"<br />
                     <s:link view="/testpages/t2.xhtml" value="goto page 2">


                <param name="pageParam1" value="#{testBean2.value}" required="true"/>

                • I call page 1 by directly entering this URL



                     pageParam1:      "#{pageParam1}"<br />
                     testBean1.value: "#{testBean1.value}"<br />
                     testBean2.value: "#{testBean2.value}"<br />

                the page renders as expected:

                     pageParam1:      "XXX"
                     testBean1.value: "XXX"
                goto page 2

                my debugoutput shows that these functions are called for this GET request:

                14:57:04,027 INFO  [STDOUT] testBean1.setValue(): XXX
                14:57:04,043 INFO  [STDOUT] testBean1.getValue(): XXX
                14:57:04,043 INFO  [STDOUT] testBean2.getValue(): null

                as you can see testBean2.getValue() is called.


                it seems like t2.page.xml is processed when s:link is rendered?

                is this how it's supposed to be?

                • 5. Re: page parameter in 2.0.1.GA

                  I got the same problem (i am not even sure if it is a problem or intended behaviour i dont know about) and in my case it causes a lot more complication.

                  I use nested conversations and when i use a conversation nesting s:link to reach a page with parameters configured in pages.xml, component related to page parameter gets initialized when rendering the s:link containing page. Since i did not follow those links to create a nested conversation, initialized component is placed on the current conversation where it should be parent and not aware of the component.

                  As you may guess, actual problem occurs when i try to nest multiple conversations on same parent. Because component is on the parent, nested ones use the same one which causes unexpected results.

                  I know there is a @PerNestedConversation but i think this is not its place because i think the component should not be initialized at the first place.

                  am i wrong? or whats the reason for s:link to process page parameters?

                  • 6. Re: page parameter in 2.0.1.GA

                    Studying a little more and i discovered why.

                    Components initialized only when i omit f:param in s:link and this makes perfect sense as links should include any relevant parameter in the context if i dont override with f:param. So they should read from the components in the context in order to set it. And if i dont have the component in the context it will of course be initialized.

                    Documentation points this out pretty much clear for a careful reader(not me in this case)

                    Any s:link or s:button transparently includes the request parameter. The value of the parameter is determined by evaluating the value binding during the render phase (when the s:link is rendered).

                    • 7. Re: page parameter in 2.0.1.GA

                      Any s:link or s:button transparently includes the request parameter.

                      should it read?: "includes the page parameter as a request parameter in the URL of the link"

                      if so, it's wrong, because it doesn't:

                      public class TestBean1 implements Serializable {
                          private String value;
                           public String getValue() {
                                System.out.println("testBean1.getValue(): "+value);
                               return value;
                           public void setValue(String value) {
                                System.out.println("testBean1.setValue(): "+value);
                               this.value = value;
                      <param name="pageParam1" value="#{testBean1.value}" />
                           pageParam1:      "#{pageParam1}"<br />
                           testBean1.value: "#{testBean1.value}"<br />
                           <s:link view="/testpages/t2.xhtml" value="goto page 2">
                      get request for:
                      renderes this html:
                      pageParam1:      "xxx"<br />
                      testBean1.value: "xxx"<br />
                      <a href="/twentyfouract/testpages/t2.seam?cid=332" id="j_id2">goto page 2</a>

                      so nothing is included transparently!

                      if so, the output should be like this:

                      pageParam1:      "xxx"<br />
                      testBean1.value: "xxx"<br />
                      <a href="/twentyfouract/testpages/t2.seam?cid=332&pageParam1=xxx" id="j_id2">goto page 2</a>

                      any ideas?

                      • 8. Re: page parameter in 2.0.1.GA

                        yes it actually

                        "includes the page parameter as a request parameter in the URL of the link"

                        but in your test, t2.xhtml does not have a page parameter so links to this page do not have any. i think you should add sth like

                        <param name="pageParam1" value="#{testBean1.value}" />

                        or i got it completely wrong. worth a try anyway.

                        • 9. Re: page parameter in 2.0.1.GA

                          yes, that's works, as I have already described in my comment above

                          but in this case the docs should say:

                          includes the page parameter of the links target page as a request parameter in the URL of the link