4 Replies Latest reply on Jul 3, 2009 2:24 PM by samuelesanvito

    Raise exception after calling stored procedure


      Hi all,

      In our EntityHome subclasses we need to call Oracle stored procedures to persist data to our Oracle database. Using code like this

      HibernateSessionProxy hsp = (HibernateSessionProxy)getEntityManager().getDelegate();
      CallableStatement stmt = null;
      Connection conn = null;
      ConnectionManager conManager = null;
      try {
           conManager = hsp.getJDBCContext().getConnectionManager();
           conn = conManager.borrowConnection();
           stmt = conn.prepareCall("{call OURPROCEDURE(?,?,?)}");
           stmt.setObject(1, getInstance().getId());
           stmt.registerOutParameter(2, Types.VARCHAR);
           stmt.registerOutParameter(3, Types.VARCHAR);
           message = stmt.getString(19);
           failed = stmt.getString(20);
           if (failed.equals("TRUE")) {
           } else {
                return "persisted";
      } catch (SQLException e) {
           System.out.println("Fout: " + e.getMessage());
      } finally {
           if (conn != null) {
                try {
      } catch (Throwable th) {
      return "";

      The question is what to put in the if (failed.equals(TRUE)) block. If I add a faces message it will show in the page that is loaded after the submit button is clicked. However, our users get redirected to an overview page.

      How can I make sure that the page in which the user enters a new entity is loaded again with the entered values and a message specifying the error returned by the procedure?

      Thanks in advance for your help.

      Cheers, Wouter van Reeven

        • 1. Re: Raise exception after calling stored procedure

          Well, they don't get redirected automagically?

          Catch the exceptions or error conditions and navigate them back to the same page and only go to the summary page if all is ok

          • 2. Re: Raise exception after calling stored procedure

            Well, the redirecting is what I don't know how to do. I guess I am too new to Seam. Should I register my own event and redirect our users by raising that event? Or should I use server side validation? Or is there another option?

            Thanks, Wouter

            • 3. Re: Raise exception after calling stored procedure

              OK since I am using JBoss Tools to generate all classes and pages I only needed to modify the navigation rules for the page. They are stored in an accompanying .xml file and I solved it like this

                 <navigation from-action="#{customerHome.update}">
                           <rule if-outcome="updated">
                          <redirect view-id="/Customer.xhtml"/>

              If I return updated when the stored procedure finishes correctly, I get redirected to the Customer.xhtml page. If I return anything else when the stored procedure doesn't finish correctly, I stay in the same page and see the faces message.

              Thanks, Wouter

              • 4. Re: Raise exception after calling stored procedure

                I can't find documentation on a standard way to call procedures from a EJB3 architecture.
                Do I need an Entity Bean and a Session Bean?
                I think I'll need something different than an Entity, but what?

                Thank you