2 Replies Latest reply on Apr 17, 2008 3:35 PM by damianharvey.damianharvey.gmail.com

    How to duplicate this AJAX effect?

      If you look on this page you'll see a 'View Source' link at the bottom. When you click it, the page extends and displays some more information.

      How can I duplicate this effect using Seam/RichFaces?

      And is there a simple way to retrieve the extra information that's displayed when 'View Source' is clicked using AJAX, or is it only easy to have it pre-rendered and hidden until the link is clicked (as I believe is the case in this example)?


        • 1. Re: How to duplicate this AJAX effect?

          Smth like this?

          • 2. Re: How to duplicate this AJAX effect?

            You could use either Scriptaculous or jQuery. I find the rich:jQuery rather useful for nice showing/hiding of content. For example:

            <rich:jQuery name="toggleSource" timing="onJScall" selector="#source" query="slideToggle('slow')" />
            <a onclick="toggleSource();">View/Hide Source</a>
            <div id="source" style="display:none;">
               lots of source code

            If you want to retrieve information from the server you can replace the <a> with an <a4j:commandLink> that calls whatever action you require, reRenders the content (based on the id) and then in the oncomplete attribute calls the javascript method to show the content (eg. toggleSource).

