1 Reply Latest reply on May 16, 2008 4:08 PM by jonnysloth

    Loading indicator



      I am having a problem finding any information regarding the possibility of enabling or defining a loading indicator during any usual seam A4J ajax requests, and I don't mean for remote calls.

      I do mean exactly like the one I see in the top right corner for Remote calls... The Loading... message that appears when I do a javascript call any of my @WebRemote methods.

      I figure it makes sense that a Seam User should be able to easily define a setting or change a variable or something in order to make this message appear in the same manner as Remote calls, but during any normal a4j ajax form requests.

      Currently my web app just shows no indication of loading or that any a4j requests have been sent or responded to. It would be nice if the user seen some indication of a request sent while waiting for the response and rerender.

      I may be missing something in the reference documentation but honestly I can only find references to the loading indicator with respect to Seam Remoting js API, and nothing for normal ajax a4j form requests.

      Any comments are much appreciated and respect to all the jboss/seam/etc devs. 


      Jonny Sloth

        • 1. Re: Loading indicator

          In case any one else stumbles upon this post after doing a little more digging I found out about the a4j:status tag in the a4j documentation... my problem was that I was ooking in the wrong place for the docs. 

          Also, google, the new forum (here) and the old jboss forum didn't turn up anything until I found out about the a4j:status tag.

          Sorry for the noise...

          Jonny Sloth