1 Reply Latest reply on May 22, 2008 12:00 AM by dan.j.allen

    compare hashed passwords during login


      I have normal login which compares password and email. Now my passwords are stored as md5-hash.
      I dont know how to split the query to hash to login-password.


      public boolean login() {
                try {
                     HashMapperAction hashPassword = new HashMapperAction(); //hashPassword.hash(password)
                     User user = (User) em.createQuery(
                               "from User where email = :username and password = :password")
                               .setParameter("username", identity.getUsername())
                               .setParameter("password", identity.getPassword())
                     if(user.getUserRoles() != null) {
                          for(UserRole ur : user.getUserRoles())
                     activeUser = user;
                     return true;
                }catch(NoResultException ex)  {
                     return false;

      HashMapperAction.hash() is the method which build md5-hash, it works for storing the passwords.

      now  i need an advice to compare these passwords in login process. thx