5 Replies Latest reply on May 29, 2008 5:11 PM by akearns1

    MDB attempting to raise an event - No Application Context active

      The existing application sends JMS message to deliver both information and status.

      I have my application deployed with an MDB that catches these messages. I am trying to call Events.raiseEvent(key, event) thinking that this should work. It does not, I get an illegalStateException "no application context active"
      My question: how can I get a context that I can use?

      code follows:

      @MessageDriven(activationConfig = {
      public class ProAsyncMDB implements MessageListener
        @In(create = true)
        Context applicationContext;
        public void onMessage (Message message)
          String func = "ProAsyncMDB.onMessage()...";
          System.err.println(func + "starting");
          Object o = ((ObjectMessage )message).getObject();
          ProJmsVisualObject jmsVisual = (ProJmsVisualObject )o;

      I have tried using


      In the current state of the code the applicationContext is null. The exception is raised when I attempt to sent the event.

      My observer for the Event just logs a message if it sees one. That code is page scoped, where my mdb can be application scoped.

      Another restriction I have is no java script, I tried the chatroom example that works within my envionment.


        • 1. Re: MDB attempting to raise an event - No Application Context active

          Looks similar to JBSEAM-2286

          • 2. Re: MDB attempting to raise an event - No Application Context active

            Thanks, but I looked at the other postings, I did not see anything that solved the problem.

            I was able to get past the No Application Context active by:

            adding the following to components.xml

               <component class="org.jboss.seam.remoting.messaging.SubscriptionRegistry" installed="true">
                    <property name="allowedTopics">myTopic</property>

            2) adding @name to the MDB

            Now the code should be raising an event that is caught by another component.

            There are no exceptions thrown.

            • 3. Re: MDB attempting to raise an event - No Application Context active

              I downloaded and tried my application with the latest 2.0.2.GA; I do not see a difference, I was using 2.1.0.A1
              I am using jboss-4.2.2.GA

              I believe there is something incorrect with the state of my MDB. It acts like I instantiated another version of my seam app. Within my MDB I generate an event that is caught within an application scoped bean; that bean send another event to a page scoped bean. It works differently depended on where I initiate
              the event from.

              From Web page - click a link - generate the event handled by application scoped bean

              From MDB - onMessage - generate the event handled by the application scoped bean

              In either case the application scoped bean genrates another event that is caught by a page scoped bean.

              In first case I see the event caught by page scoped bean.
              In second case I do not, it is caught by the application scoped but not the page scoped.

              The MDB bean, application and page scoped beans are in the same jar. I have a polling service that generates the JMS message, that is in a sar. These two files and the .war are in the .ear

              What I am trying to do is get the data that is polled delivered to one or more users viewing that device.

              Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

              • 4. Re: MDB attempting to raise an event - No Application Context active

                The PAGE scope isn't active during calls originated via an MDB.

                • 5. Re: MDB attempting to raise an event - No Application Context active

                  I am trying to get an alert shown to all logged in users, is there a way that I can do this?

                  The alert is generated by the server and is not reaction to something the user did.
