3 Replies Latest reply on May 29, 2008 10:41 AM by nickarls

    data table



      I have this problem:

      I want to show results of a query hql using 2 entities .
      I want to show results in a facelet using tag

      <h:dataTable id="list" value="#{list}" var="list_elem" >

      Where list is obtained from a session bean.
      I found many examples whith only one entity bean .

      Where can I find an example with 2 or more entity bean?

      Tanks for eny advice

        • 1. Re: data table

          Hmmm, you could try wrap them in some object like

            public class Wrapper {
              AObject a;
              BObject b;
            public List<Wrapper> getData() ...
            <h:outputText value="list_elem.a.aproperty"/>

          • 2. Re: data table

            Thanks for your post,but your answer is so criptic.
            I must admit my answer wasn't clear.
            I'll try to reformulate my problem:

            I have 2 entity beans like follows:

            public class A {
            private String x;
            private String y;
            ...getters,setters and constructors here

            public class B {
            private String x;
            private String z;
            ...getters,setters and constructors here

            I want to obtain a list of couples of objects A a and B b with


            and show this list in my facelet.
            With only A entity I can do this way:

            public class A_Action{
            List<A> la;
            private EntityManager em;
            public void query(){
            la=em.createQuery("select a from A a").getResultList();

            In this way with method query I can instanciate la and show results.
            I want to do same whith the 2 entities above.


            • 3. Re: data table

              Guessing here but the query

              select a,b from A a, B b where a.x = b.x

              Should return a Object[2]

              But that's not really a join(?)