0 Replies Latest reply on May 30, 2008 4:38 PM by kooudy

    pages.xml and conversationId parameter


      Hello forum,

      I have a question concerning to pages.xml.

      Imagine there is pages.xml with following navigation rules:

        <page view-id="/index.jsp">
            <rule if="#{logged.manager}">
              <redirect view-id="/manager.jsp" />
            <rule if="#{logged.hrManager}">
              <redirect view-id="/hrManager.jsp" />
        <page view-id="/manager.jsp">
          <begin-conversation join="true" />

      There is a link in header of each page (each user is able to access his home page from any page - according to role):

      <s:link value="Home" action="#{conversation.endBeforeRedirect}" view="/index.seam" />

      When a user clicks on link and user is manager then he is redirected to his page (manager.jsp):

      1. conversation is ended (if any) (link action)

      2. new conversation is started    (page action)

      And faces messages is showed:

      The conversation ended, timed out or was processing another request

      When I add parameter to redirect tag, then message doesn't appear.

      <rule if="#{logged.manager}">
        <redirect view-id="/manager.jsp">
          <param name="conversationId" value="#{conversation.id}"/>

      It seems that seam forgot add conversationId to redirect request. It is possible?

      It is only in case of navigation rule in pages.xml.

      (Seam 1.2.1)