3 Replies Latest reply on Jul 9, 2008 4:51 PM by yacin00

    Persist a List


      i have a problem to persist a list

          @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
          @JoinColumn(name ="notificationId")
          private List<Notification> notification;

               <h:selectManyCheckbox id="notificat" required="true" value="#{registration.selectedNotifications}" converter="javax.faces.Long">
                  <s:selectItems value="#{notifications}" var="notif" label="#{notif.name}" itemValue="#{notif.notificationId}" />    

         private List<Notification> selectedNotifications;
       ContactNotification contactNotif = new ContactNotification();   

      I have a NULL value in the database when I persist, what is wrong?

        • 1. Re: Persist a List

          What is wrong is, you can't persist a List.

          If the java.util.List class had an @Entity notation on it, you could.  But it doesn't.

          You need to do this some other way.  In particular, you need to create an Entity to contain the list, like:

          @Entity ContactNotifications {
            public List<Contact> getContactList() { ... }

          Or, go through the list and persist each ContactNotification one at a time.

          Does it make sense?

          • 2. Re: Persist a List

            hi, sorry,it's somewhat late, But, i found an example which affirm that we can persist a list, i don't know if it works. I'll try...

            My Link

            • 3. Re: Persist a List

              and it works!!