7 Replies Latest reply on Nov 10, 2009 8:33 AM by nbelaevski

    issue releated ie8 compatibility



      <page view-id="*">
      <header name="X-UA-Compatible">IE=EmulateIE7</header>
      <rule if-outcome="main">
      <redirect view-id="pages/main.xhtml"/>

      i found the above code on the net which says that it solves the problem of ie8
      for richfaces

      please can any one tell me that will this really solve the problem or it is a temprory solution

      my application runs very fine in ie7 and latest mozilla versions
      but it renders far slowly in ie8 and there is also an compatibility issue as ie8 suggests when the application was made to run in ie8

      please suggest what should be done in thsi case

        • 1. Re: issue releated ie8 compatibility

          I'm not seeing warnings when running richfaces-demo. Yes, a few issues still remained in IE8 but most part was solved before 3.3.2. And b.t.w. there could be the problem with your pages markup itself and not in components. So need more concrete info about problematic pages to confirm.

          And this solution - just made your pages to run in compatibility mode with IE7.

          • 2. Re: issue releated ie8 compatibility

            then for the reference i will send u code of sample page
            for the markups
            please tell me what information u need to identify the problem
            i will post it here

            • 3. Re: issue releated ie8 compatibility


              <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
              <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
              <f:loadBundle var="label" basename="messages_en" />
              <title><ui:insert name="pageTitle">
               <h:outputText value="some page" />
              <link href="../../common/stylesheet/some-style.css" rel="stylesheet"
               type="text/css" />
               <ui:include src="/common/layout/headerPage.xhtml" />
               <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"
               align="center" width="78%">
               <td align="left" valign="top" class="left_tile"><img
               src="../../common/image/left_body_img.gif" alt="" width="4"
               height="842" /></td>
               <td valign="top" align="left">
               <div class="test">
               <table width="100%" align="center">
               <td align="right" valign="top" class="rgt_tile"><img
               src="../../common/image/rgt_body_img.gif" alt="" width="4"
               height="842" /></td>
               <td align="left" valign="top"><img src="images/left_bottom.gif"
               alt="" width="4" height="4" /></td>
               <td><img src="../../common/image/footer_bottom_2.gif" alt=""
               width="992" height="4" /></td>
               <td width="4" align="right" valign="top"><img
               src="../../common/image/rgt_bottom.gif" alt="" width="4" height="4" /></td>
               <ui:include src="/common/layout/footerPage.xhtml" />

              this is the basic structure of the .xhtml code that is universally followed in our entire project

              please tell if there is any markup issue in this

              • 4. Re: issue releated ie8 compatibility

                It would be better to investigate concrete problem and not to look through code for possible general problems.

                please tell me what information u need to identify the problem
                i will post it here

                1) concrete problem description. e.g. xxx component not rendered or rendered not properly in IE 8 only.
                2) screenshot of the problem.
                3) page source where problematic component defined.
                3.1) any info about css or script customization you added.
                4) Not required but it would be very good if you will be able provide additional investigations results from IE8 dev tools. e.g. I checked the xxx css class and it's not properly applied. Or js error thrown on rendering in...

                • 5. Re: issue releated ie8 compatibility


                  5) RF version
                  6) Seam version

                  • 6. Re: issue releated ie8 compatibility

                    1) concrete problem description. e.g. xxx component not rendered or rendered not properly in IE 8 only.
                    --- suggestion box rendering vry slowly comparing to pervious versions like ie 7 , [mozilla , opera , safari(all are of latest versions)]
                    --- <a4j:status> response slowly
                    --- any issue which requires a population of data and then rendering

                    2) screenshot of the problem.
                    ---- sorry i cant provide you with the screen shot due to security issues of the project .

                    3) page source where problematic component defined.
                    ---- sorry i cant provide you with the source code also due to security issues of the project

                    3.1) any info about css or script customization you added.
                    ---- css is used juct to make header and labels colorful
                    i have not touched css provided by richfaces

                    4) Not required but it would be very good if you will be able provide additional investigations results from IE8 dev tools. e.g. I checked the xxx css class and it's not properly applied. Or js error thrown on rendering in...

                    ---- the compatibility window on the right of the url box comes as broken page image

                    according to the mdsn doc , if the page is compatible with ie8 then it will not show tht broken page image.

                    according to my research onthis issue , i found that microsoft have defined some parameter which are not the standard parameter that are followed by other browsers .

                    and i found this line in many blogs and micrsoft website source code
                    at present

                    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" />

                    this converts the compatible to ie 7
                    and the compatiblity windows doesnot comes any more
                    i know that this is just a temprory solution

                    5) RF version -- 3.3.2sr1
                    6) Seam version -- seam 2.1.2

                    • 7. Re: issue releated ie8 compatibility


                      1) concrete problem description. e.g. xxx component not rendered or rendered not properly in IE 8 only.
                      --- suggestion box rendering vry slowly comparing to pervious versions like ie 7 , [mozilla , opera , safari(all are of latest versions)]
                      --- <a4j:status> response slowly

                      I cannot reproduce slow response in IE8 for a4j:status and rich:suggestionBox.

                      --- any issue which requires a population of data and then rendering

                      Sorry, this description is not clear to reproduce the issue.

                      2) screenshot of the problem.
                      ---- sorry i cant provide you with the screen shot due to security issues of the project .

                      3) page source where problematic component defined.
                      ---- sorry i cant provide you with the source code also due to security issues of the project

                      3.1) any info about css or script customization you added.
                      ---- css is used juct to make header and labels colorful
                      i have not touched css provided by richfaces

                      Create small example project and give code snippets/screenshots/CSS from it.