5 Replies Latest reply on Apr 27, 2009 5:19 PM by pbravo

    DataModelSelection injects always the first element of a list instead of the selected one


      Hi, I have the following problem: when I'm using the DataModelSelection annotation to inject a selected element of a list (for example the selected element in a combobox) into an attribute of my Session Bean, the attribute is always injected with the first element of the list instead of the selected one.

      Here my Session Bean:

      public class CreatePortalTaxonActionBean implements CreatePortalTaxonAction {
        PortalsDAO portalsDAO;
        private List<Portals> portalList;
        private Portals selectedPortal;
        public void findPortals() {
          portalList = portalsDAO.findAll();
         * Action method.
        public boolean create() {
          // Doing something with selectedPortal
          // Problem: selectedPortal is always the first element
          // in portalList and not the selected one!
        public void destroy() {}

      Here the portal entity:

      @Table(name = "PORTALS")
      public class Portals extends EntityBase {
        private Integer id;
        private Integer customersId;
        private String name;
        private String site;
        // Other properties + getters and setters
        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
          if ((getId() == null) || (obj == null) || !(obj instanceof Portals)) {
            return false;
          Portals entity = (Portals) obj;
          if (entity.getId() == null) {
            return false;
          return (this.getId().intValue() == entity.getId().intValue());
        public int hashCode() {
          if (getId() == null) {
            return -1;
          return getId().intValue();

      Here my xhtml page:

      <h:selectOneMenu value="#{selectedPortal}"
        <s:selectItems value="#{portalList}"
                       noSelectionLabel="#{messages['cmbbx.please.select']}" />
        <s:convertEntity />
      <h:commandButton value="Create" action="#{portalTaxaCreator.create}" />

      Do you have any ideas why I always get the first element an not the selected element of my list of portals? (I'm using seam 2.0.1.GA, JBoss 4.2.2.GA on Windows XP)

      I have found a solution where it works without the DataModelSelection annotation, but I would prefer to use the annotation since it's a really nice seam-feature (and since it should work)!


        • 1. Re: DataModelSelection injects always the first element of a list instead of the selected one

          I have the same problem and i'm curious to know the answer.

          • 2. Re: DataModelSelection injects always the first element of a list instead of the selected one

            I had this same problem...

            The problem was solved when I updated the version of jsf-impl.jar e jsf-api.jar.

            Now I am using this version:


            It looks like a rendering problem... the isSelected method was not being called.

            I hope this helps...

            Lucas Pereira

            • 3. Re: DataModelSelection injects always the first element of a list instead of the selected one

              I tried doing your way but I was not successful in that procedure.
              I am using two action classes both with Event Scope. I am sending you the code of the classes please take a look at it and see if u can save the problem


              This is the class in which I have DataModelSelection

              public class LocationFactory {
                   @In(create = true) SalesPersonActionBean salesPersonAction;
                   @In(create = true) LocationService locationService;
                   @In(create = true, required = false) CustomerActionFactory customerActionFactory;
                   private List<Locations> lstLocations;
                   @Out(required = false, scope=ScopeType.SESSION)
                   Locations location;
                   UIDatascroller locationDatascroller;
                   @Factory(value = "lstLocations")
                   public void listLocations() {
                        int locationsPageFirstIndex;
                        List listLocationSubSetRecords;          
                        Long locationCount;
                        java.util.Vector locationsVector = new Vector();
                        locationCount = locationService
                        // This statement fetches the current pages first row index
                        locationsPageFirstIndex = (this.getLocationDatascroller().getPage() * 
                                  this.getLocationDatascroller().getDataTable().getRows()) - 
                        listLocationSubSetRecords = locationService.getLocations(
                                  salesPersonAction.getLocationOrderField(), salesPersonAction
                                            .isAscendingOrder(), locationsPageFirstIndex,
                        for (int index = 0; index < listLocationSubSetRecords.size(); index++) {
                             locationsVector.set(locationsPageFirstIndex + index,
                        lstLocations = locationsVector;
                   public void nullLocationList(){
                        this.lstLocations = null;
                   public List<Locations> getLstLocations() {
                        return lstLocations;
                   public void setLstLocations(List<Locations> lstLocations) {
                        this.lstLocations = lstLocations;
                   public UIDatascroller getLocationDatascroller() {
                        return locationDatascroller;
                   public void setLocationDatascroller(UIDatascroller locationDatascroller) {
                        this.locationDatascroller = locationDatascroller;
                   public Locations getLocation() {
                        return location;
                   public void setLocation(Locations location) {
                        this.location = location;


              public class LocationPrinterFactory {
                   @In(create = true)LocationPrinterService locationPrinterService;
                   @In(create = true, required = false)LocationFactory locationFactory;
                   @DataModel private List<Locationprinters> lstLocationPrinters;
                   UIDatascroller locationPrinterDatascroller;
                   public void listLocationPrinters() {
                        Long locationPrinterCount;
                        Vector locationPrintersVector = new Vector();
                        int locationPrinterCurrentPageIndex;
                        int locationPrintersPageFirstIndex;
                        List listLocationPrintersSubSetRecords;
              *System.out.println("this.this.locationFactory.getLocation().getLocationName(): " + this.locationFactory.getLocation().getLocationName());
              System.out.println("this.locationFactory.getLocation.getLocationNumber: " + this.locationFactory.getLocation().getLocationNumber());*
                        locationPrinterCount = locationPrinterService
                        // This statement fetches the current pages first row index
                        locationPrintersPageFirstIndex = (this.locationPrinterDatascroller.getPage() *
                                  this.locationPrinterDatascroller.getDataTable().getRows()) - 
                        listLocationPrintersSubSetRecords = locationPrinterService
                        for (int index = 0; index < listLocationPrintersSubSetRecords.size(); index++) {
                             locationPrintersVector.set(locationPrintersPageFirstIndex + index,
                        lstLocationPrinters = locationPrintersVector;
                   public List<Locationprinters> getLstLocationPrinters() {
                        return lstLocationPrinters;
                   public void setLstLocationPrinters(List<Locationprinters> lstLocationPrinters) {
                        this.lstLocationPrinters = lstLocationPrinters;
                   public UIDatascroller getLocationPrinterDatascroller() {
                        return locationPrinterDatascroller;
                   public void setLocationPrinterDatascroller(
                             UIDatascroller locationPrinterDatascroller) {
                        this.locationPrinterDatascroller = locationPrinterDatascroller;
                   public void nullLocationPrinter(){
                        this.lstLocationPrinters = null;

              I am trying to access the DataModelSelection in LocationPrinterFactory class but it always print me the very first value.

              • 4. Re: DataModelSelection injects always the first element of a list instead of the selected one

                Lucas Pereira wrote on Jun 10, 2008 21:05:

                I had this same problem...

                The problem was solved when I updated the version of jsf-impl.jar e jsf-api.jar.

                Now I am using this version:


                It looks like a rendering problem... the isSelected method was not being called.

                I hope this helps...

                Lucas Pereira

                I tried doing your way but I was not successful in that procedure.
                I am using two action classes both with Event Scope. I am sending you the code of the classes please take a look at it and see if u can save the problem


                This is the class in which I have DataModelSelection

                public class LocationFactory {
                     @In(create = true) SalesPersonActionBean salesPersonAction;
                     @In(create = true) LocationService locationService;
                     @In(create = true, required = false) CustomerActionFactory customerActionFactory;
                     private List<Locations> lstLocations;
                     @Out(required = false, scope=ScopeType.SESSION)
                     Locations location;
                     UIDatascroller locationDatascroller;
                     @Factory(value = "lstLocations")
                     public void listLocations() {
                          int locationsPageFirstIndex;
                          List listLocationSubSetRecords;          
                          Long locationCount;
                          java.util.Vector locationsVector = new Vector();
                          locationCount = locationService
                          // This statement fetches the current pages first row index
                          locationsPageFirstIndex = (this.getLocationDatascroller().getPage() * 
                                    this.getLocationDatascroller().getDataTable().getRows()) - 
                          listLocationSubSetRecords = locationService.getLocations(
                                    salesPersonAction.getLocationOrderField(), salesPersonAction
                                              .isAscendingOrder(), locationsPageFirstIndex,
                          for (int index = 0; index < listLocationSubSetRecords.size(); index++) {
                               locationsVector.set(locationsPageFirstIndex + index,
                          lstLocations = locationsVector;
                     public void nullLocationList(){
                          this.lstLocations = null;
                     public List<Locations> getLstLocations() {
                          return lstLocations;
                     public void setLstLocations(List<Locations> lstLocations) {
                          this.lstLocations = lstLocations;
                     public UIDatascroller getLocationDatascroller() {
                          return locationDatascroller;
                     public void setLocationDatascroller(UIDatascroller locationDatascroller) {
                          this.locationDatascroller = locationDatascroller;
                     public Locations getLocation() {
                          return location;
                     public void setLocation(Locations location) {
                          this.location = location;


                public class LocationPrinterFactory {
                     @In(create = true)LocationPrinterService locationPrinterService;
                     @In(create = true, required = false)LocationFactory locationFactory;
                     @DataModel private List<Locationprinters> lstLocationPrinters;
                     UIDatascroller locationPrinterDatascroller;
                     public void listLocationPrinters() {
                          Long locationPrinterCount;
                          Vector locationPrintersVector = new Vector();
                          int locationPrinterCurrentPageIndex;
                          int locationPrintersPageFirstIndex;
                          List listLocationPrintersSubSetRecords;
                *System.out.println("this.this.locationFactory.getLocation().getLocationName(): " + this.locationFactory.getLocation().getLocationName());
                System.out.println("this.locationFactory.getLocation.getLocationNumber: " + this.locationFactory.getLocation().getLocationNumber());*
                          locationPrinterCount = locationPrinterService
                          // This statement fetches the current pages first row index
                          locationPrintersPageFirstIndex = (this.locationPrinterDatascroller.getPage() *
                                    this.locationPrinterDatascroller.getDataTable().getRows()) - 
                          listLocationPrintersSubSetRecords = locationPrinterService
                          for (int index = 0; index < listLocationPrintersSubSetRecords.size(); index++) {
                               locationPrintersVector.set(locationPrintersPageFirstIndex + index,
                          lstLocationPrinters = locationPrintersVector;
                     public List<Locationprinters> getLstLocationPrinters() {
                          return lstLocationPrinters;
                     public void setLstLocationPrinters(List<Locationprinters> lstLocationPrinters) {
                          this.lstLocationPrinters = lstLocationPrinters;
                     public UIDatascroller getLocationPrinterDatascroller() {
                          return locationPrinterDatascroller;
                     public void setLocationPrinterDatascroller(
                               UIDatascroller locationPrinterDatascroller) {
                          this.locationPrinterDatascroller = locationPrinterDatascroller;
                     public void nullLocationPrinter(){
                          this.lstLocationPrinters = null;

                I am trying to access the DataModelSelection in LocationPrinterFactory class but it always print me the very first value.

                • 5. Re: DataModelSelection injects always the first element of a list instead of the selected one
                  Don't use @DataModelSelection with selectOneMenu, use @In(required=false) instead.

                  See http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4082996#4082996