3 Replies Latest reply on Jun 11, 2008 3:58 PM by daclan

    How to avoid displaying duplicate messages


      I used EntityHome to persist my entity Order.java.

      Each time I call persist() of EntityHome, there is a message Successful created added to FacesMessages. In my page order.xhtml, I can see this message with the jsf tag h:messages.

      But when I persist Order.java, I have to persist also another entity  (ex. Command.java). So in this case, I see two times the same messages in my .xhtml (because I persisted two entities):

      Successful created
      Successful created

      If I have to persist 5 other entities when I persist the entity Order.java, I will see 6 lines with the same information: Successful created.

      I would like to know how can I do to display only one time the same message ?