1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 14, 2008 1:42 AM by nagendra_singh_krishnawat

    Table row height.

      Hi Guys,
      I am trying to create a table with some seam components, but what I am seeing is that when I am using s:decorate the height of the table row inscreases a little bit.
      If you see the below codes output you will see that the first row is having more height then the second one:

      <h:form styleClass="edit">
      <h:panelGrid id="myGrid" columns="4" width="100%" border="1" rowClasses="innerRowClass"><s:decorate id="idDecoration1" template="layout/edit.xhtml">    <ui:define name="label">id</ui:define><h:inputText id="id" required="true"><a4j:support event="onblur" reRender="idDecoration"  bypassUpdates="true" ajaxSingle="true" />                                        </h:inputText>                                </s:decorate>
                                      <h:inputText value="one" />
                                      <h:inputText value="one" />
                                      <h:inputText value="one" />
                                      <h:inputText value="one" />
                                      <h:inputText value="one" />
                                      <h:inputText value="one" />
                                      <h:inputText value="one" />

      How can I fix this.

        • 1. Re: Table row height.

          <h:form styleClass="edit">
                         <h:panelGrid id="myGrid" columns="4" width="100%" border="1"
                              <s:decorate id="idDecoration1" template="layout/edit.xhtml">
                                   <ui:define name="label">id</ui:define>
                                   <h:inputText id="id" required="true">
                                        <a4j:support event="onblur" reRender="idDecoration"
                                             bypassUpdates="true" ajaxSingle="true" />
                              <h:inputText value="one" />
                              <h:inputText value="one" />
                              <h:inputText value="one" />
                              <h:inputText value="one" />
                              <h:inputText value="one" />
                              <h:inputText value="one" />
                              <h:inputText value="one" />