4 Replies Latest reply on May 16, 2014 7:20 AM by mosesemm

    Captcha: customized message for incorrect response


      Hi folks,

      is there a better way of defining a customized message for incorrect responses than extending the superclass org.jboss.seam.captcha.Captcha and overwriting the getResponse()-Method?

      So far this works for me, but is not the most elegant solution:

      @CaptchaResponse(message="stupid, that was the wrong answer!")
          public String getResponse()
             return super.getResponse();

        • 1. Re: Captcha: customized message for incorrect response

          Not at the moment.  Vote for  JBSEAM-2929

          • 2. Re: Captcha: customized message for incorrect response


            thx for that hint. I made a MyCaptcha class extending captcha with the above posted code. But where do I have do configure to take my class instead of the superclass?
            Currently only the superclass with the standard text is taken by seam.

            Thats my xhtml code

            <s:decorate id="captchaField" template="layout/edit.xhtml">
                                <ui:define name="label">#{messages.text_captcha}</ui:define>                         
                                     <h:graphicImage value="/seam/resource/captcha" />                         
                                     <h:inputText id="verifyCaptcha" value="#{captcha.response}" size="7"
                                          required="true" styleClass="text" label ="#{messages.text_captcha}">
                                          <s:validate />



            • 3. Re: Captcha: customized message for incorrect response
              • 4. Re: Captcha: customized message for incorrect response



                I couldnt get this to work on seam 2.3.

                Even after i have the message there it still show:org.jboss.seam.captcha.error

                the debug log message below does show, confirming somehow it does hit my class...So ur help will be appreciated, i am ok with the std captcha algorith the problem is just the message.




                @Install(precedence = 40) 


                public class CaptchaHelper extends Captcha {





                    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;



                    Log log;


                    @CaptchaResponse(message = "Wrong answer..")


                    public String getResponse() {

                        log.debug("i was here");

                        return super.getResponse();


