7 Replies Latest reply on Nov 12, 2009 2:59 PM by sage.sam

    Switching Rich Tab Panels, Tabs stop responding


      I'm trying to put together a UI POC where I switch between several visible components via AJAX in an a4j:outputPanel. This is pretty basic and straightforward.

      The catch that I am encountering is that each of my included components contains a rich:tabPanel, and not all the tabPanels seem to work.

      The first component rendered works perfectly. It renders and I can switch tabs. Then I can switch components a variety of ways (form submit, ajax submit) and get the second component. At this point, the new tabPanel renders with its default display and none of the subsequent rich:tab controls respond to clicks. If I switch back to the original component, the tabPanel there again functions normally.

      Any ideas on a workaround, or if this is simply not going to work? I'm currently running richfaces 3.2.2 SR1.

        • 1. Re: Switching Rich Tab Panels, Tabs stop responding

          show the code.. I guess that the bean which holds your rendered properties - in request. but should be in session.

          • 2. Re: Switching Rich Tab Panels, Tabs stop responding

            OK, here goes.

            Bean: MainComponent

            public class MainComponent
             private String featureName;
             private UIComponent documentTab;
             private UIComponent adminTab;
             public UIComponent getDocumentTab() {
             return documentTab;
             public void setDocumentTab(UIComponent documentTab) {
             this.documentTab = documentTab;
             public UIComponent getAdminTab() {
             return adminTab;
             public void setAdminTab(UIComponent adminTab) {
             this.adminTab = adminTab;
             public String getFeatureName()
             return featureName;
             public void setFeatureName(String featureName)
             this.featureName = featureName;
             public MainComponent()
             featureName = "admin";

            This is the main page, main.xhtml
            <!DOCTYPE composition PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
            <ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
             <ui:define name="body">
             <div id="features" style="position:absolute;top:10px;right:10px;">
             <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
             <a4j:jsFunction name="updateFeature" reRender="feature">
             <a4j:actionparam name="param1" assignTo="#{MainComponent.featureName}" />
             <td align="center">
             <h:commandLink value="admin" >
             <a4j:actionparam name="featureName" value="admin" assignTo="#{MainComponent.featureName}"/>
             <td align="center">
             <h:commandLink value="personal" >
             <a4j:actionparam name="featureName" value="personal" assignTo="#{MainComponent.featureName}"/>
             <div id="content" style="position:absolute;top:60px;left:10px;right:10px;bottom:10px;border:2px black;">
             <a4j:outputPanel id="feature" layout="block">
             <ui:include src="./features/#{MainComponent.featureName}.xhtml"/>

            This is the admin page, features/admin.xhtml
            <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
            <ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
             <rich:tabPanel id="adminTabs" immediate="true" binding="#{MainComponent.adminTab}" switchType="ajax">
             <rich:tab label="Templates">
             Templates Tab
             <rich:tab label="Clauses">
             Clauses Tab
             <rich:tab label="Reference">
             Reference Tab
             <rich:tab label="Reports">
             Reports Tab

            This is the personal page, features/personal.xhtml

            <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
            <ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
             <rich:tabPanel id="personalTabs" immediate="true" binding="#{MainComponent.documentTab}" switchType="ajax">
             <rich:tab label="Personal">
             Personal Tab
             <rich:tab label="Templates">
             Templates Tab
             <rich:tab label="Clauses">
             Clauses Tab
             <rich:tab label="Reference">
             Reference Tab
             <rich:tab label="Recent">
             Recent Tab
             <rich:tab label="Favorites">
             Favorites Tab

            • 3. Re: Switching Rich Tab Panels, Tabs stop responding

              1) binding should not be session scoped.
              2) even worse if you trying to bind different tabPanels to the same binding property.

              • 4. Re: Switching Rich Tab Panels, Tabs stop responding


                "ilya_shaikovsky" wrote:
                1) binding should not be session scoped.
                2) even worse if you trying to bind different tabPanels to the same binding property.

                1) I added the session scoping per your previous message--but maybe I misunderstood? What do you believe should be the scope?

                2) I'm not binding different tabPanels to the same binding property -- admin.xhtml binds to #{MainComponent.featureName} while personal.xhtml binds to #{MainComponent.documentTab}.

                Any other suggestions? Can you duplicate my issue? This is the entirety of the code, running on Seam 2.2 so it should be easy to copy the set-up.

                • 5. Re: Switching Rich Tab Panels, Tabs stop responding


                  I guess that the bean which holds your rendered properties - in request.

                  I've talked about rendered property :) It was just guess because I haven't seen the code. rendered - should be stored between requests. And the component instance (defined with binding) should not according to JSF spec.

                  • 6. Re: Switching Rich Tab Panels, Tabs stop responding


                    "ilya_shaikovsky" wrote:
                    I guess that the bean which holds your rendered properties - in request.

                    I've talked about <b>rendered</b> property :) It was just guess because I haven't seen the code. rendered - should be stored between requests. And the component instance (defined with binding) should not according to JSF spec.

                    That's fair, I can certainly see making an educated guess. Unfortunately, I seem to need some education! :) For some reason, I'm just not grasping your meaning. What rendered property are you referring to, what do I need to change, and what does it need to be? Hopefully the 'why' will be self-evident!

                    • 7. Re: Switching Rich Tab Panels, Tabs stop responding

                      It seems to be working properly now!

                      I switched my pages from ui:composition to ui:component and cleaned up a minor issue with my classpath resulting from my update to the SR release of RichFaces.