1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 4, 2008 2:33 PM by westdwestd.david.west.cusppoint.com

    Injecting spring mocks into seam beans during integration tests


      Hi there,

      Is it possible to inject a spring bean mock into my Seam beans under test during seam integration tests?

      Note I've replace the AT and HASH and EQUALS symbols below because i can't get this message to post with them

      My seam bean under test has the following dependency:
      AT In(HASH {userService})
      UserService userService;

      I've tried mocking out the UserService as follows
      AT Name(userService)
      AT Install(precedence EQUALS Install.MOCK)
      public class UserServiceMock implements UserService..

      I've also tried
      AT Name(HASH{userService})
      AT Install(precedence EQUALS Install.MOCK)
      public class UserServiceMock implements UserService

      In both cases I get:
      Caused by: javax.el.ELException: org.jboss.seam.RequiredException: @In attribute requires non-null value: mySeamBean.HASH{userService}

      Any guidance would be greatly appreciated


        • 1. Re: Injecting spring mocks into seam beans during integration tests

          Sorry my last post is garbled, trying again here

          Is it possible to inject a spring bean mock into my Seam beans under test during seam integration tests?

          My seam bean under test has the following dependency:


          UserService userService;

          I've tried mocking out the UserService as follows



          public class UserServiceMock implements UserService..

          I've also tried



          public class UserServiceMock implements UserService

          In both cases I get: Caused by: javax.el.ELException: org.jboss.seam.RequiredException: @In attribute requires non-null value: mySeamBean.HASH{userService}

          Any guidance would be greatly appreciated