1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 6, 2008 10:19 PM by sjmenden

    s:decorate and a:commandButton


      When i put a


         my fields with the

      don't work. If i change the

      for a

      it works fine!!

      What could i do to fix this ?

        • 1. Re: s:decorate and a:commandButton

          <a:commandButton> does work, but sometimes it can appear not too depending on how you are using it.  Make sure it is enclosed in a <h:form> but you probably already have that since h:commandButton works.  Other things to remember, it does not refresh the whole page, it does a partial page refresh.

          So, bind the action to something method that logs a line, get that working first, then bind it as you need to.  And, the majority of the time, a:commandButton will have a reRender to update a section of the JSF that will change as a result of the action.

          <a:commandButton value="Click me" action="#{searchAction.search}" reRender="peopleTable" />
          <h:dataTable id="peopleTable" .../>