1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 13, 2008 5:40 PM by admin.admin.email.tld

    rich faces forums???


      I have tried 3 times and from china can never seem to post to the richfaces forums and I think this issue needs to get to their developers somehow.  I was using URLReWriter but then switch to my own very very very very simple filter....

      When you have a servlet filter that does chain.doFilter for EVERY request, rich faces works great, BUT when you have a filter that does a forward for all .seam files, richfaces breaks!!!! and all the ajax stops working.  SPECIFICALLY, the js file(that ironically has no js extension) is not in the xhtml that is sent back to the browser when a forward is done.  This means URLRewriter who operates on forwards breaks the pages with richfaces components....well, the page still works BUT all AJAX STOPS working.  I spent quite a bit of time debugging URLRewriter code only to find out it looks like the issue is in Richfaces which scares me a bit.

      Any advice on where I would look in the rich faces code for where they add the js script to the headers as that seems to break on a forward from the servlet.