6 Replies Latest reply on Nov 24, 2009 9:52 AM by tharves

    rich:tab changed not refreshing pdf link in firefox, but ie7

      I am using Richfaces 3.2.1

      I have 4 tab. In this first tab has pdf link is there, once i went 2,3 or 4 tab. then come back to first tab. I clicked pdf link. pdf is not opening, once i refresh the page then it will work fine. Initialize the index page opening time also it is working fine, once i went some other tab, then it was not working.

        • 1. Re: rich:tab changed not refreshing pdf link in firefox, but

          check please latest stable version. if not helps provide code.

          • 2. Re: rich:tab changed not refreshing pdf link in firefox, but


            <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
            function redirectPdoc(){

            <rich:tabPanel width="750" headerAlignment="left" headerSpacing="7px" switchType="ajax" id="panel" >
             <rich:tab label="A" id="query" oncomplete="redirectPdoc();">
             <a4j:include id="aa" viewId="/jsp/a.jsp" ></a4j:include>
             <rich:tab label="B" id="acl">
             <a4j:include id="bb" viewId="/jsp/b.jsp"></a4j:include>
             <rich:tab id="managecode" label="C" switchType="ajax">
             <a4j:include id="cc" viewId="/jsp/c.jsp"></a4j:include>
             <rich:tab id="manageApplicant" label="D" switchType="ajax">
             <a4j:include id="dd" viewId="/jsp/d.jsp"></a4j:include>

            <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="3">
             <td><h:commandLink id="cerview" value="pdfview" action="#{getPdfAction.downloadPdf}" rendered="#{pdfForm.accListSize != 0}" /></td>

            I called oncomplete="redirectPdoc();" in first tab. I redirect to same page. once that page is refreshed then only it will work in firefox. i think it is not right approach. let me know, can you give good suggestion

            • 3. Re: rich:tab changed not refreshing pdf link in firefox, but


              <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="3">
               <td><h:commandLink id="cerview" value="pdfview" action="#{getPdfAction.downloadPdf}" rendered="#{pdfForm.accListSize != 0}" /></td>

              this code invalid according to w3c. So there could be problems with it after ajax update.

              if not helps what about 3.3.2SR1?

              • 4. Re: rich:tab changed not refreshing pdf link in firefox, but

                how to solve the above problem used same rich faces 3.2.1. Please can you tell me, where will i make changes on my existing code.

                • 5. Re: rich:tab changed not refreshing pdf link in firefox, but

                  I tried in first tab.

                  <jsp:include page="/jsp/a.jsp"

                  This is also not support pdf link of a.jsp page

                  • 6. Re: rich:tab changed not refreshing pdf link in firefox, but

                    Hi Ilya,

                    I hope you. You can give solution for this issue. Please help me