1 2 3 4 Previous Next 52 Replies Latest reply on Mar 1, 2011 4:28 PM by psramkumar.ps.ramkumar.gmail.com Go to original post
      • 45. Re: export to pdf or excel from rich:dataTable

        i am using following jarfiles for excel export web application:



        But i am getting following error:

        Error logs:
        The class 'org.jboss.seam.Namespace' does not have the property 'excelExporter'

        Could you please provide me the help on this issue? how to resolve this,... what jar files i need to use? and special setting on need to made on web.xml??

        • 46. Re: export to pdf or excel from rich:dataTable

          Look in the other thread where you asked the same question.

          • 47. Re: export to pdf or excel from rich:dataTable
            hi nicklas
            i was new to seam,
            i want to convert an excel (*.xls) file to xml file.
            Can you please guide me with the necessary libraries how can i do this?

            Thanks in advance for your greate help
            • 48. Re: export to pdf or excel from rich:dataTable

              Not really a seam question but

              1. Grab JExcelapi from http://jexcelapi.sourceforge.net/ and read through the docs

              2. Write code that iterates over the data in the xls and outputs to xml (coding left as an exercise for the reader)

              • 49. Re: export to pdf or excel from rich:dataTable
                What about export to PDF without use <p:...>. Similar to

                org.jboss.seam.excel.excelExporter.export(...)    ?
                • 50. Re: export to pdf or excel from rich:dataTable

                  I am new to seam and have a similar functionality described in the thread.

                  I am trying to create an excel out of rich:datable.

                  I did add
                  1. seam-excel.jar, jxl.jar into my lib path.
                  2. Added DocumentStoreServlet in the web.xml
                  3. Added the code similar to below in the jsp.

                  <h:commandLink value="Export" action="#{org.jboss.seam.excel.excelExporter.export('searchForm:searchResultsTable')}"/>   


                  When I execute,
                  I receive the following error

                  The function export must be used with a prefix when a default namespace is not specified.

                  I even defined the default namespace as

                  <html xmlns=""http://jboss.com/products/seam/excel">

                  I feel like I am missing something critical and simple. Can you please help me.

                  Are there any steps documented some where , if not can you please put them here, which will guide me in achieving the functinality

                  • 51. Re: export to pdf or excel from rich:dataTable

                    any one worked with PDF Export similar way ? please add it in the post, that would help lots of developers.. including me


                    • 52. Re: export to pdf or excel from rich:dataTable

                      Here we go...... the PDF Export

                      Create a file named exportPdf.xhtml use below code

                      <p:document type="PDF" xmlns:p="http://jboss.com/products/seam/pdf"
                           <p:table columns="4" headerRows="1" widthPercentage="95"
                                <p:cell backgroundColor="#EEEEEE">File Index</p:cell>
                                <p:cell backgroundColor="#EEEEEE">File Name</p:cell>
                                <p:cell backgroundColor="#EEEEEE">File Size</p:cell>
                                <p:cell backgroundColor="#EEEEEE">File Date</p:cell>
                                <ui:repeat var="fileBean" value="#{mediationBeanHome.beanList}"
                                          <p:text value="#{fileBean.id+1}" />
                                          <p:text value="#{fileBean.fileName}" />
                                          <p:text value="#{fileBean.fileSize/1000} Kb" />
                                          <p:text value="#{fileBean.fileDate}" />

                      use the below code as export PDF link

                      <h:commandLink target="#" action="/exportPdf.seam" rendered="#{not empty mediationBeanHome.beanList}" >
                           <h:graphicImage alt="Export XLS" url="/img/pdf.gif" title="Export table to PDF"/>

                      Think this might work for all u guys


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