1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 31, 2008 12:06 PM by pmuir

    Charting in Seam using seam-pdf doesn't work in IE 6 or 7


      I'm trying to use Seam's built in support for charting via seam-pdf. I added the following jars -- itext, jcommon, jfreechart. Added a sample piechart in my facelts

      <p:piechart title="Pie Chart" circular="false"
           direction="anticlockwise" startAngle="30" labelGap="0.1"
           <p:series key="Prices">
                <p:data key="2003" columnKey="2003" value="7.36" />
                <p:data key="2004" columnKey="2004" value="11.50" />
                <p:data key="2005" columnKey="2005" value="34.625" />
                <p:data key="2006" columnKey="2006" value="76.30" />
                <p:data key="2007" columnKey="2007" value="85.05" />

      It works in Firefox (3) but not in IE 6 or 7. (I get a page with a image placeholder but no image in it). The webapp runs on https.

      I've had similar  problems with the new seam excel api. Works in Firefox and not in IE.

      Any suggestions?