2 Replies Latest reply on Sep 10, 2008 3:33 PM by pabloc2112

    Back button in nested conversations


      Hello, I'm trying to handle a back button in a nested conversation.

      For example:

      View orderEdit starts parent conversation.
      Start a nested conversation orderDetail. 
      Close nested conversation and go back to orderEdit.
      Click on the back button to try to get to orderDetail
      Redirect to parent view/conversation orderEdit

      However, I'm running into a problem where redirecting to no-conversation-view-id on a back button click does not propagate to the parent conversation. A new conversation is created, and the parent conversation is no longer the current conversation. Is there any way around this problem? Is no-conversation-view-id supported with nested conversations?

      This is my configuration:

      <page view-id="/csr/*" login-required="true">
        <rule if-outcome="orderDetail">
          <begin-conversation flush-mode="MANUAL" nested="true"
          <redirect view-id="/csr/orderDetail.xhtml"/>

      <page view-id="/csr/orderDetail.xhtml" conversation-required="true"
