2 Replies Latest reply on Sep 10, 2008 7:33 AM by gopib

    select one menu item It display some comment and one inputtextbox

      I am new to richfaces, I created one drop down box using selectOneMenu, creating upto drop down box is ok but the problem is , If i select any item from the drop down box at the same time i should display  display one comment and one input text box, for others. please find the code below, thank u.

      <h:outputText  styleClass="formFont" value="Academic Qualification"></h:outputText>
                 <h:selectOneMenu styleClass="formColumnInputText" required="true" value="title" >
                 <f:selectItem  itemValue=" " itemLabel=" "/>
                 <f:selectItem  itemValue="Secondary Level" itemLabel="Secondary Level"/>
                 <f:selectItem itemValue="Degree Level" itemLabel="Degree Level"/>
                 <f:selectItem itemValue="Post Graduate" itemLabel="Post Graduate"/>
                 <f:selectItem itemValue="Others" itemLabel="Others" />
                 <a4j:support event="onchange" action="#{uiRenderer.updateView()}" reRender="ot1" ajaxSingle="true" />
                 <a4j:outputPanel id="ot1" rendered="#{uiRenderer.visible}" >
                 <h:outputText value="If Others(Please specify here)"/>
                 <h:inputText  value=" " ></h:inputText>

      seam class file:

      package com.manam.mortgage.session;

      import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Name;

      public class UIRenderUtil {

           private String listValue;
           private boolean visible;
           public void updateView(){
                System.out.println("Visible Value" +visible);
                System.out.println("Method Called. 34...... ");
           public boolean isVisible() {
                return visible;

           public void setVisible(boolean visible) {
                System.out.println("Method Visible Called");
                this.visible = visible;
                System.out.println("Visible Value" +visible);

           public String getListValue() {
                return listValue;

           public void setListValue(String listValue) {
                this.listValue = listValue;
        • 1. Re: select one menu item It display some comment and one inputtextbox

          Your selectOneMenu is not bound to anything on the back-end.

          Try something like : <h:selectOneMenu styleClass="formColumnInputText" required="true" value="#{uiRenderer.title}" > and add the relevant title field to your UiRenderer class (with getter + setter).

          You'll also probably want to check the value of title before you set visibile to true or false.



          • 2. Re: select one menu item It display some comment and one inputtextbox
            I am trying to this code also

            <h:selectOneMenu styleClass="formColumnInputText" required="true" value="#{uiRenderer.title}" >

            and writing to setters and getter in title

            public String getTitle() {
                            return title;
                    public void setTitle(String title) {
                            this.title = title;
            But same problem can't display what happen please any body tell me, thank's