1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 11, 2008 6:27 AM by vladimir.kovalyuk

    web:context-filter ceased to work as of 2.1.0.BETA


      Downloading worked well in 2.1.A1 but ceased to work in 2.1.BETA. Now the following code

      Component.getInstance(DocumentService.class, true);

      throws an exceptions which tells that the application context is not active.

      components.xml contains the following filter declarations:

      <web:exception-filter url-pattern="*.seam" />
      <web:redirect-filter url-pattern="*.seam" />
      <web:context-filter url-pattern="/content/*" />
      <web:multipart-filter create-temp-files="true" max-request-size="0" url-pattern="*.seam" />

      web.xml contains the following servlet mapping:


      I tried to debug ContextFilter.doFilter method but it is not called.

      Suggestions? What may cause the problem?