2 Replies Latest reply on Sep 19, 2008 2:58 PM by alin.heyoulin.qq.com

    Conversation question regarding seam-wiki example

      Hello, for a better understanding of Seam and how it works I read the source code of the provided seam wiki example. I learned really a lot about how using and combining the different features of Seam. Thanks a lot of providing such a great example!

      I have just one question regarding the conversation management. When the user wants to create a new entity (i. e. a Comment) a new conversation will be started and the flush mode set to manual. I found the following Code example:

      @Begin(flushMode = FlushModeType.MANUAL, join = true)
      public String newComment() {
          showForm = true;
          return "redirectToDocument";

      When the user clicks the save button, another action will be invoked which flushes the EntityManager and ends the conversation. The FlushModeType.MANUAL just ensures that the changes within this conversation were only written to db when entityManager.flush() is invoked.

      My question regarding that code is: What happens when the user invokes the newComment action and afterwards decided to go back to the forum overview by using a bookmark. The recent started conversation is still open and the EntityManager doesn't commit anything. Is my described understanding correct? Isn't that a problem?

      Thanks in advance!