1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 11, 2008 2:33 PM by blabno

    ApplicationScope component, @Asynchronous method, rich:progressBar


      I want to have one object in the entire application that performs method that takes very long time. This method should be executed in intervals, so I annotated it @Asynchronous. I would like also to know about the progress and present it with rich:progressBar. The problem is that despite the component is in application scope the Quartz uses some other instance than EL. What can be done to resolve via EL the same instance that is used by Quartz ?

        • 1. Re: ApplicationScope component, @Asynchronous method, rich:progressBar

          I've also noticed that right after starting @Asynchronous method (with command button) I get

          javax.ejb.ConcurrentAccessException: no concurrent calls on stateful bean 'jboss.j2ee:service=EJB3,name=...

          (This is caused by rich:progressBar) Sad, but I can understand it. When I refresh the page there is no concurrent access exception but I can see that bean's signature is different.
          Also in logs I see that asynchronous method is still running. So ! Seam has created new component (ApplicationScope) ? Why ? What happened to previous instance ?