0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 17, 2008 7:52 PM by assyst

    unable to get the selected value from combo box

      I am able to populate the values in a combo box (from corresponding bean) but when i submit the page after selecting a value  from it,an
      exception of the following type occurs:

      22:48:38,266 ERROR [ExceptionFilter] uncaught exception
      javax.servlet.ServletException: For input string: "Infosys"

      Please help me to solve this ...

      My combo box xhtml code

      <h:selectOneMenu  value="#{machineBean.vendorName}" tabindex="4" >
                                                                                                     <s:selectItems value="#{vendors}" var="vendorNm" itemLabel="#{vendorNm.vendorName}" itemValue="#{vendorNm.vendorName}" noSelectionLabel="-- Select Vendor --" />