1 2 Previous Next 16 Replies Latest reply on Nov 16, 2008 12:08 AM by shane.bryzak

    permissionManager.grantPermissions(..) returns true but the values are not in the database

      I tryed to grant permissions to an object of my TestClass. I try it like this:

      PermissionManager permissionManager;
              TestClass tc=new TestClass();
           Permission p1= new Permission(tc,"view",identity.getPrincipal());
           Permission p2= new Permission(tc,"test",identity.getPrincipal());
           List<Permission> permissions= new ArrayList<Permission>();

      identity.getPrincipal() is the user 'admin' successfuly authed by the identity manager. this user has the role 'root'

      to get access to grant permissions i added this rule in my security-rules.drl file

      import ch.pomop.dummy.common.TestClass;
      rule ManageTestClassPermissions
       activation-group "permissions"
        tc: TestClass()
        check: PermissionCheck(target == tc, action == "seam.grant-permission", granted == false)
        Role(name == "root")

      permissionManager.grantPermissions(permissions) returns true but there is no value in my database.
      I also tryed
      I also tryed to add @Transactional to my method wich calls grantPermissions(..)
      my entityManager works properly in other methods

      there is no exception and the result is ture but there is no entry in the database.

      I configured the PermissionManager like this:

                permission-store="#{org.jboss.seam.security.jpaPermissionStore}" />
                user-permission-class="ch.pomop.dummy.security.AccountPermission" />

      my AccountPermission looks like this

      public class AccountPermission implements Serializable {
         private static final long serialVersionUID = -1901644563196207597L;
           private Integer permissionId;
           private String recipient;
           private String target;
           private String action;
           private String discriminator;
           public AccountPermission()
           public Integer getPermissionId() {
                return permissionId;
           public void setPermissionId(Integer permissionId) {
                this.permissionId = permissionId;
           public String getRecipient() {
                return recipient;
           public void setRecipient(String recipient) {
                this.recipient = recipient;
           public String getTarget() {
                return target;
           public void setTarget(String target) {
                this.target = target;
           public String getAction() {
                return action;
           public void setAction(String action) {
                this.action = action;
           public String getDiscriminator() {
                return discriminator;
           public void setDiscriminator(String discriminator) {
                this.discriminator = discriminator;

      Is there something wrong what I am trying to do?
      Thx for your help!!
      greetz Marco

        • 1. Re: permissionManager.grantPermissions(..) returns true but the values are not in the database

          Do you have an identifier strategy configured for TestClass ?

          • 2. Re: permissionManager.grantPermissions(..) returns true but the values are not in the database

            yes i have this:

            my testClass looks like:

            import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Name;
            import org.jboss.seam.annotations.security.permission.Identifier;
            public class TestClass {

            • 3. Re: permissionManager.grantPermissions(..) returns true but the values are not in the database

              Specifying just the name attribute will work for class identifiers, but not for instances.  You also need to implement an IdentifierStrategy for TestClass and specify it in the @Identifier annotation also.  E.g, the IdentifierStrategy:

              public class TestClassIdentifierStrategy implements IdentifierStrategy {
                 public boolean canIdentify(Class targetClass) {
                   return TestClass.class.equals(targetClass);
                 public String getIdentifier(Object target) {
                   return someUniquePropertyOfTheTestClassInstance;

              And the corresponding configuration:

              @Identifier(value = TestClassIdentifierStrategy.class)
              public class testClass {

              • 4. Re: permissionManager.grantPermissions(..) returns true but the values are not in the database

                thanks shane for your fast answhere!

                Oke I tryed that now:

                My Test Class

                import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Name;
                import org.jboss.seam.annotations.security.permission.Identifier;
                import ch.pomop.dummy.security.TestClassIdentifierStrategy;
                @Identifier(value = TestClassIdentifierStrategy.class)
                public class TestClass {
                   private int dummyValue;
                   private String ident;
                   public String getIdent() {
                      return ident;
                   public void setIdent(String ident) {
                      this.ident = ident;
                   public int getDummyValue() {
                      return dummyValue;
                   public void setDummyValue(int dummyValue) {
                      this.dummyValue = dummyValue;

                My Strategy

                public class TestClassIdentifierStrategy implements IdentifierStrategy {
                   public boolean canIdentify(Class targetClass) {
                     return TestClass.class.equals(targetClass);
                   public String getIdentifier(Object target) {
                     return ((TestClass)target).getIdent();

                the call

                        TestClass tc=new TestClass();
                     Permission p1= new Permission(tc,"view",identity.getPrincipal());
                     Permission p2= new Permission(tc,"test",identity.getPrincipal());
                     List<Permission> permissions= new ArrayList<Permission>();

                there is still no exception and no value in the database. What else can be wrong now?

                greetz Marco

                • 5. Re: permissionManager.grantPermissions(..) returns true but the values are not in the database

                  The rest of your code looks fine to me.  I suggest you set a breakpoint in JpaPermissionStore.updatePermissionActions() and debug what's happening when you grant the permissions.

                  • 6. Re: permissionManager.grantPermissions(..) returns true but the values are not in the database

                    while debung updatePermissionActions(..)

                    all looks good and then it comes to:


                    instance object looks good

                    then it comes to


                     public void persist(Object entity)

                    that looks good too

                    and it returns true in updatePermissionAction(..)

                    but the persist(..) method has no effect to my database the method which calls permissionManager.grantPermissions(permissons); is @Transactional

                    that is strange I don't know what can be wrong

                    my bee there is a problem here lookupEntityManager() and it my bee dosen't get the right entity manager

                    greetz Marco

                    • 7. Re: permissionManager.grantPermissions(..) returns true but the values are not in the database

                      That does seem strange.  Is your entity manager actually called entityManager ?  Could you post your components.xml?  If you wanted to put together a minimal test case that reproduces the problem and send to me directly I'd be happy to take a look for you.

                      • 8. Re: permissionManager.grantPermissions(..) returns true but the values are not in the database

                        I am using hte default name entityManager

                        My components.xml

                        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                        <components xmlns="http://jboss.com/products/seam/components"
                             xsi:schemaLocation="http://jboss.com/products/seam/core http://jboss.com/products/seam/core-2.1.xsd
                                         http://jboss.com/products/seam/persistence http://jboss.com/products/seam/persistence-2.1.xsd 
                                         http://jboss.com/products/seam/components http://jboss.com/products/seam/components-2.1.xsd
                                         http://jboss.com/products/seam/mail http://jboss.com/products/seam/mail-2.1.xsd
                                         http://jboss.com/products/seam/drools http://jboss.com/products/seam/drools-2.1.xsd
                                         http://jboss.com/products/seam/security http://jboss.com/products/seam/security-2.1.xsd
                                         http://jboss.com/products/seam/remoting http://jboss.com/products/seam/remoting-2.1.xsd">
                             <core:init jndi-pattern="pomop/#{ejbName}/local" debug="true" />
                             <core:manager concurrent-request-timeout="500"
                                  conversation-timeout="120000" conversation-id-parameter="cid"
                                  parent-conversation-id-parameter="pid" />
                             <persistence:managed-persistence-context name="entityManager"
                                  persistence-unit-jndi-name="java:/pomopEntityManagerFactory" />
                             <factory name="hibernateSession" scope="STATELESS"
                                  auto-create="true" value="#{entityManager.delegate}" />
                             <security:identity-manager identity-store="#{jpaIdentityStore}" />
                                  role-class="ch.pomop.dummy.security.Role" />
                                  security-rules="#{securityRules}" />
                             <drools:rule-base name="securityRules">
                                  permission-store="#{org.jboss.seam.security.jpaPermissionStore}" />
                                  user-permission-class="ch.pomop.dummy.security.AccountPermission" />

                        I will send you a minimal test case in the course of the day. Thx for your help!

                        greetz Marco

                        • 9. Re: permissionManager.grantPermissions(..) returns true but the values are not in the database

                          Your configuration looks fine.. I'll wait for your test case, hopefully it won't be too hard to spot the problem.

                          • 10. Re: permissionManager.grantPermissions(..) returns true but the values are not in the database

                            I couldn't reproduce the problem. I made a completly new project (a seam/jsf project wiht seam setup / seam create command) and i setted up everything like I had it in the other project. In this new project the same code works and the entry comes into the database.

                            There is only one difference between my testcaseproject and my other project. In my testcase Project I call the method directly from a JSF page. In my other Project I am using gxt/gwt and call a RPC Method on the Seam Server. This RPC method calls the grant method.

                            here is my ServiceImplementation Method:

                               private StartupClass startupClass;
                               public void grantPermissions() {

                            StartupClass is the SameClass what I used in my testcase Project:

                            public class StartupClass {
                               PermissionManager permissionManager;
                               public StartupClass(){
                               private void grant(List<Permission> permissions)
                                public void test()
                                  TestClass tc=new TestClass();
                                 Principal prrincipal = new SimplePrincipal("root");
                                 Permission p1= new Permission(tc,"view",prrincipal);
                                 Permission p2= new Permission(tc,"test",prrincipal);
                                 List<Permission> permissions= new ArrayList<Permission>();

                            So the only one difference is the @WebRemote annotation
                            I also enabled to show mysql logs in conole in my test case example it has made the insert into statement. In my other project is no instert statement and therefore no value in the database.

                            I try to implement a remote service too in my test case project and then I am surprised what will happend.

                            Doese it matter if an @WebRemote methode calls the grant ?

                            greetz Marco

                            • 11. Re: permissionManager.grantPermissions(..) returns true but the values are not in the database

                              Could you please raise this in JIRA?  I just realised that we don't actually have any Seam example that updates data during a remoting/GWT call.  At the very least we should document this if there's any special configuraton required.

                              • 12. Re: permissionManager.grantPermissions(..) returns true but the values are not in the database

                                hi Shane

                                I made a dummy project that implements the problem check:

                                I also raised it on JIRA check:

                                Greetz marco

                                • 13. Re: permissionManager.grantPermissions(..) returns true but the values are not in the database

                                  Is it a Seam Problem? We want to use the PermissionStore in conjunction with remoting too. What is an appropriate workaround?


                                  • 14. Re: permissionManager.grantPermissions(..) returns true but the values are not in the database

                                    I've scheduled this issue for the 2.1.1.GA release - I can't recommend a workaround at the moment sorry, because I don't understand the problem yet :)

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