3 Replies Latest reply on Oct 24, 2008 9:53 AM by mroeoesli

    Problem with EntityIdentifierStrategy and PermissionManager

      Problem with EntityIdentifierStrategy and PermissionManager

      I try to grant a permission to an entity. my permission store works properly for non entity objects with my own IdentifierStrategy implementation but not for entitys using the EntityIdentifierStrategy.

      this is my entity class:

      @Table(name = "DUMMY_USER")
      @Identifier(value = EntityIdentifierStrategy.class)
      public class DummyUser  implements Serializable{
           private static final long serialVersionUID = -3134097431661355175L;
           @Column(name = "ID")
           @GeneratedValue(generator = "pomopSequenceGenerator")
           @GenericGenerator(name = "pomopSequenceGenerator", strategy = "org.hibernate.id.enhanced.SequenceStyleGenerator", parameters = {
                     @Parameter(name = "sequence_name", value = "POMOP_SEQUENCE"),
                     @Parameter(name = "initial_value", value = "1000"),
                     @Parameter(name = "increment_size", value = "1") })
           public Long id; 
           @Column(name = "FIRSTNAME", length = 63, nullable = false)
           private String firstname;
           @Column(name = "LASTNAME", length = 63, nullable = false)
           private String lastname;
           @Column(name = "EMAIL", length = 255, nullable = true)
           private String email;
           @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
           private List<DummySettings> settings;
           @OneToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
           private DummySettings setting=new DummySettings("test");
           public List<DummySettings> getSettings() {
                return settings;
           public void setSettings(List<DummySettings> settings) {
                this.settings = settings;
           public DummyUser() {
           public DummyUser(String firstname, String lastname, String email) {
                this.firstname = firstname;
                this.lastname = lastname;
                this.email = email;
           public String getFirstname() {
                return firstname;
           public void setFirstname(String firstname) {
                this.firstname = firstname;
           public String getFullname() {
                return getFirstname() + " " + getLastname();
           public void postLoad()
           public String getLastname() {
                return lastname;
           public void setLastname(String lastname) {
                this.lastname = lastname;
           public String getEmail() {
                return email;
            * fgdfgfdgfdgfdg. {@link AbstractOwnedEntity}
            * @param email
           public void setEmail(String email) {
                this.email = email;
           public String toString() {
                return getFirstname() + " " + getLastname();
           public Long getId() {
                return id;
           public void setId(Long id) {
                this.id = id;
           public DummySettings getSetting() {
                return setting;
           public void setSetting(DummySettings setting) {
                this.setting = setting;

      I made a rule to grant permissions for this class in my security.drl file

      rule ManageDummyUserGrantPermissions
       activation-group "permissions"
        du: DummyUser()
        check: PermissionCheck(target == du, action == "seam.grant-permission", granted == false)
        Role(name == "root")

      I call the method grantUpdateForRoleRoot() from a jsf button. The user who click on this button is authed successfuly by the identityManager and has the role root

      I want to give the update action to this target for the role root
      Here is the method what will be called:

      public void grantUpdateForRoleRoot()
           DummyUser du = (DummyUser) getDataTable().getRowData();
           Role r = new Role("root");
           Permission p= new Permission(du,"update",r);

      I call the method grantUpdateForRoleRoot() from a jsf button. The user who click on this button is authed successfuly by the identityManager and has the role root

      I want to give the update action to this target for the role root
      Here is the method what will be called:

      public void grantUpdateForRoleRoot()
           DummyUser du = (DummyUser) getDataTable().getRowData();
           Role r = new Role("root");
           Permission p= new Permission(du,"update",r);

      while debuging everything is ok until it comes here

      EntityIdentifierStrategy Line 59 in private String getIdentifierName(Class cls)

      Identifier identifier = (Identifier) cls.getAnnotation(Identifier.class);

      this line throws an NullPointer exception

      this will be called from IdentityPolicy (line 85) from method getIdentifier(Object target))

      return strategy != null ? strategy.getIdentifier(target) : null;

      and this will be called from JpaPermissionStore (Line 224 in method createPermissionQuery(..)

      if (target != null) query.setParameter("target", identifierPolicy.getIdentifier(target));

      finally the exception from above will be catched in JpaPermissionStore (Line 428) in method updatePermissionActions(..)

      catch (Exception ex)
          throw new RuntimeException("Could not grant permission", ex);

      what can be the problem? my bee its not able to find the @Id annotation
      thx for your help

      greetz Marco

        • 1. Re: Problem with EntityIdentifierStrategy and PermissionManager

          I see now what is worng:

          in EntityIdentifierStrategy class

          private String getIdentifierName(Class cls)
                   String name = null;
                   if (cls.isAnnotationPresent(Identifier.class))
                      Identifier identifier = (Identifier) cls.getAnnotation(Identifier.class);
                      if (identifier.name() != null && !"".equals(name.trim()))
                         name = identifier.name();

          name is null and it try's to do name.trim() but name is null and will be setted later.

          my bee if its like this:

          private String getIdentifierName(Class cls)
                   String name = null;
                   if (cls.isAnnotationPresent(Identifier.class))
                      Identifier identifier = (Identifier) cls.getAnnotation(Identifier.class);
                      if (identifier.name() != null && !"".equals(identifier.name().trim()))
                         name = identifier.name();

          it will work ?

          I am using 2.1.0.GA

          • 2. Re: Problem with EntityIdentifierStrategy and PermissionManager

            Oops, I've fixed this in SVN now.

            • 3. Re: Problem with EntityIdentifierStrategy and PermissionManager

              thx shane! it works fine now!!

              greetz Marco