12 Replies Latest reply on Apr 24, 2009 5:47 AM by eklmnoff

    trouble with seam setup in eclipse


      I'm sure this is must be a simple question. Hopefully.

      I have Eclipse 3.4
      I installed JBoss Tools Alpha1 3.0.0 including SeamTools feature. Forgive the ignorant question, but is this the same as jboss-seam-2.1.0.GA? I downloaded jboss-seam-2.1.0.GA separately in my quest for a jboss-seam.jar file.

      The problem I ran into is that when I created a Seam Project in eclipse, I got to the point of having to create a Seam Runtime in the Seam facet dialog box. I was unable to do se because I could not locate a jboss-seam.jar file. I gather this is an important file. :-) I searched my entire C drive and it was not there. So I downloaded Seam separately in the form of jboss-seam-2.1.0.GA.

      I am normally quick at picking up new technologies, but I have been stymied in trying to to get my head around this Java/IDE/Seam/etc. etc. alphabet soup. I come from a sys admin perl/cgi background and I'm finding the learning curve to be a bit much here.

      If there is anyone out there willing to exchange private email to answer a raft of dumb questions for a day or so, as I work to understand this, I'd be most appreciative. Please feel free to do so as well as responding to this posting about the elusize jboss-seam.jar file.

      I just really want to understand thoroughly how this all works.

      tanya.ruttenberg at ssa.gov

        • 1. Re: trouble with seam setup in eclipse

          No - SeamTools are just some tools you can use with Seam. You also need Seam 2.1.0GA. In Eclipse you can setup your Seam-Environment under Windows/Preferences/JBoss Tools/Web/Seam - there point to the Seam 2.1.9GA-Folder - et voilá - it's done. The jboss-seam.jar can be found in this folder.


          • 2. Re: trouble with seam setup in eclipse

            Oh! That is so easy and makes so much sense.  Thank you!

            • 3. Re: trouble with seam setup in eclipse

              easiest thing is to pay $99 and get JBDS 1.1.0.GA. 

              • 4. Re: trouble with seam setup in eclipse

                Your best bet is to follow chapter 2 of the Seam reference manual, which will walk you through all the steps you need to get up and running with Seam, including generating a CRUD application with Seam-Gen, and importing the project into Eclipse.

                You don't need JBoss tools to work with Seam.

                • 5. Re: trouble with seam setup in eclipse

                  Even better, check out this article, http://in.relation.to/Bloggers/UsingASeamgenProjectInJBossTools, which describes in detail how to setup JBoss Tools and import a seam-gen project into it.

                  • 6. Re: trouble with seam setup in eclipse

                    I spent several days trying to create an Eclipse project with
                    jboss-seam-2.1.1.GA plus jboss-5.1.0.Beta1.
                     jboss-seam-2.1.1.GA examples worked fine, but I am still having the
                    following issues solution for which I could not find in entire Internet
                    (I would like to thank some people who provided steps that probably
                    worked on their machines only):
                    - I can create CRUD Seam project in Eclipse 3.4.2, but it always fails
                      to deploy.
                    - Modifying .xhtml file in {jboss-5.1.0.Beta1}\server\default\deploy\...
                      of deployed sample Seam project does not have any affect.
                      I.e. the change is not picked up, so the only solution is
                      to redeploy entire project.
                    I wonder how Seam developers can efficiently do their work at all?!
                    Are there any community guys who succeeded in this or have simple
                    DUNNO steps how to make it work with any version of seam on any app server?

                    • 7. Re: trouble with seam setup in eclipse

                      I can create CRUD Seam project in Eclipse 3.4.2, but it always fails to deploy.

                      Please report these details in the JBoss Tools JIRA, if you believe it is a bug: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBIDE

                      Modifying .xhtml file in jboss-5.1.0.Beta1\server\default\deploy\... of deployed sample Seam project does not have any affect. I.e. the change is not picked up, so the only solution is to redeploy entire project.

                      As far as I know, this is a known issue with JBoss AS 5. I direct you to the JBoss AS JIRA: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS

                      • 8. Re: trouble with seam setup in eclipse

                        As far as I know, this is a known issue with JBoss AS 5. I direct you to the JBoss AS JIRA: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS

                        Thanks Dan. Could you recommend older versions of Seam and JBoss that do not have above issues with Eclipse.

                        • 9. Re: trouble with seam setup in eclipse

                          Personally I'm still using JBoss AS 4.2.3.GA most of the time for my own stuff. I have to imagine that the issue with JBoss AS 5 is going to be addressed soon. There might even be a setting I just don't know about yet that enables it. Please follow up with the AS guys or browse there wiki because surely there has to be some solution to this. You are right, without this feature, it is very difficult to program.

                          ...any version of Seam should be fine as the trouble lies with how the app server is handling the incoming files.

                          • 10. Re: trouble with seam setup in eclipse

                            Upon further evaluation, it appears it might just be a problem with the JMX deployment. If I copy files into the exploded archive in the deploy directory, it seems to work fine.

                            • 11. Re: trouble with seam setup in eclipse

                              That's what is not working for me. The file I modified in Eclipse gets updated in the exploded default/deploy directory.
                              But the application itself is running off default/tmp/..xyz.. folder that has to be updated from default/deploy.
                              I would be great to read some docs explaining how it works in JBoss.

                              • 12. Re: trouble with seam setup in eclipse

                                For hot redeployment of separate .xhtml, src/hot classes, etc files make the following change to jboss323.xml in your eclipse folder
                                <!-- comment this
                                     <target name="deploy.j2ee.web">
                                          <jar destfile="${project.working.dir}/${module.name}.war"> 
                                               <zipfileset dir="${module.dir}">
                                                  <include name="**/*.*"/>
                                                    <exclude name="**/*.war"/>
                                            <move file="${project.working.dir}/${module.name}.war" todir="${server.publish.dir}"/>
                                          <sleep seconds="${pause.deploy}"/>
                                     <target name="deploy.j2ee.web">
                                          <copy todir="${server.publish.dir}/${module.name}.war"> 
                                               <fileset dir="${module.dir}">
                                                  <include name="**/*.*"/>
                                                    <exclude name="**/*.war"/>
                                          <sleep seconds="${pause.deploy}"/>
                                 <!-- comment this     
                                     <target name="undeploy.j2ee.web">
                                          <delete file="${server.publish.dir}/${module.name}.war" failonerror="false"> </delete>
                                          <sleep seconds="${pause.undeploy}"/>
                                     <target name="undeploy.j2ee.web">
                                          <delete dir="${server.publish.dir}/${module.name}.war"  failonerror="false"> </delete>
                                          <sleep seconds="${pause.undeploy}"/>
                                Similar changes can be done for EJB and EAR projects