2 Replies Latest reply on Nov 6, 2008 5:19 PM by joblini

    LocaleSelector always returns locale


      I use this:

      <h:outputText value="#{localeSelector.locale}" />
      <h:outputText value="#{localeSelector.localeString}" />
      <h:outputText value="#{localeSelector.language}" />

      and it returns always the locale, that means for example: 'en' instead of 'English'.

      How can I get 'English' instead of 'en' ?

      (I do not want to iterate trough LocaleSelector.instance().getSupportedLocales() to get the value)

        • 1. Re: LocaleSelector always returns locale

          When I use this:

          <h:outputText value="displayLanguage: #{facesContext.externalContext.requestLocale.displayLanguage}" />

          then my display Language in fact not the language which I have choosen from Seams Locale Selector.

          For example:

          I select french, then I acceept that 

          <h:outputText value="displayLanguage: #{facesContext.externalContext.requestLocale.displayLanguage}" />

          returns french, but it always returns the browsers-language and not the language of my websystem.

          I tried to use

          <h:outputText value="#{localeSelector.localeString}" />

          but it gives me only the key (fr) instead of french.

          Any Ideas?

          • 2. Re: LocaleSelector always returns locale

            Try this:

            Locale locale = getFacesContext().getViewRoot().getLocale();