4 Replies Latest reply on Nov 29, 2008 9:21 PM by valatharv

    How to retain the values of text field on link click, tried using s:link ..

      I tried using s:link but it dosen't work... please help on how I can retain value in h:inputText pname1 on link click... I tried soem options but it dosen't work...

      Details :
      User fills h:inputText pname1 and on clicking h:commandLink (Add treatments), h:inputText pname1 becomes null.

      <rich:panel id="reagentPanel">
      <table border="1" class="dr-table rich-table" id="color">
      <ui:repeat value="#{projectHome.reagent}" var="info" >
           <tr class="dr-table-header rich-table-header">
                <td class="dr-subtable-cell rich-subtable-cell" style="width:80px">
                <s:decorate template="layout/edit.xhtml">
                     <h:inputText id="pname1" required="true" value="#{info.pname}"/>
      <td class="dr-subtable-cell rich-subtable-cell" style="width:80px" align="center"> 
      <rich:panel id="trtPanel">
           <table id="trtTable" style="width:557px" border="0" class="message">
           <tr style="width:557px" bgcolor="#F0F8FF" align="justify" valign="top">
                <th>Agent Name</th>
           <ui:repeat value="#{info.treatment}" var="itreat">                                 
                     <td><h:inputText id="treatmentCompoundName" value="#{itreat.treatmentCompoundName}"/> </td>
           <h:commandLink action="#{projectHome.addTreatmentLink}" 
                value="Add treatments" immediate="true" >
           <f:param name="re_hashcode" value="#{info.hashCode()}"/>
        • 1. Re: How to retain the values of text field on link click, tried using s:link ..

          is the value submited to the form bean null or the value that it is shown after page reload is null?

          If it is the first one I think you need to remove the immediate="true"?
          If it is the second one, I believe you need to define a explicit conversation in the form backing bean.

          • 2. Re: How to retain the values of text field on link click, tried using s:link ..

            try c:forEach instad ui:repeat

            • 3. Re: How to retain the values of text field on link click, tried using s:link ..
              Reagent entity contains treatment and 1 reagent can have multiple treatments.

              Please suggest.....

              a) I need to use immediate as link was not working on first click and hashcode from UI was not matching the entity.
              Here, I am matching the hashcode from ui with the one of an entity and adding a row to UI..

              b) UI:repeat works fine, all logic is implemented accordingly, I am not sure how I can replace c:for each, any suggestions

              <ui:repeat value="#{projectHome.reagent}" var="info" >
                   <h:inputText id="pname1" required="true" value="#{info.pname}"/>
                        <ui:repeat value="#{info.treatment}" var="itreat">     
                             <h:inputText id="treatmentCompoundName" value="#{itreat.treatmentCompoundName}"/>
                        <h:commandLink action="#{projectHome.addTreatmentLink}" 
                                  value="Add treatments" immediate="true" >
                             <f:param name="re_hashcode" value="#{info.hashCode()}"/>                                                                                       
              public String addTreatmentLink(){
                   javax.faces.context.FacesContext facesContext = (new org.jboss.seam.faces.FacesContext()).getContext();
                   javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest hsr=(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest)facesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequest();
                   String reagentHashcode=hsr.getParameter("re_hashcode");
                   for(int i=0;i<reagent.length;i++){
                             reagent[i].getTreatment().add(new Treatment());
                   return "";     
              • 4. Re: How to retain the values of text field on link click, tried using s:link ..
                Please suggest..... it is very important...

                I used immediate=true as link was not working on first click and hashcode from UI was not matching the hashcode of entity.
                Here, I am matching the hashcode from ui with the one of an entity and adding a row to UI..

                I just need that on clicking "Add Treatment" link "pname1" text field should not become null... please check the code above and help...