2 Replies Latest reply on Jun 19, 2009 8:50 AM by larshuber

    org.jboss.seam.intercept.Interceptor limits the number of Interceptors



      Currently this is not working.

      @Interceptors({FirstInterceptor.class, SecondInterceptor.class})

      The Interceptor implementation of 2.1 nightly build restricts the @Interceptors annotation to exactly 1 interceptor. The following code shows the cause.

         public Interceptor(Class[] classes, Annotation annotation, Component component) 
            if (classes.length!=1)
               //TODO: remove this silly restriction!
               throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must be exactly one interceptor when used as a meta-annotation");
            userInterceptorClass = classes[0];

      Will this restriction be removed or what would be an appropriate workaround?


        • 1. Re: org.jboss.seam.intercept.Interceptor limits the number of Interceptors

          Lars, since this issue is quite old, did u apply a patch or implement some kind of workaround for it?

          • 2. Re: org.jboss.seam.intercept.Interceptor limits the number of Interceptors

            I don't know if it's a workaround or actually standard use. I created for each Interceptor it's own annotation. These annotations you can put on your classes instead of @Interceptors(...) directly.

            @Target({ ElementType.TYPE })
            public @interface ServiceException {

            @Target({ ElementType.TYPE })
            public @interface ServiceSecurity {

            public class BaseService implements Serializable {