1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 10, 2008 3:20 PM by luxspes

    HOWTO: Create a getComponentFromParentConversation method


      I am trying to create a method like this:

      public Object getComponentFromParentConversation(String componentName) {
      //Do not know here to begin!

      Basically my problem is that I am inside a @PerNestedConversation EntityHome and I want to access some information stored in the EntityHome of my parent conversation.

      Any hints on how could that be done?


        • 1. Re: HOWTO: Create a getComponentFromParentConversation method

          Is this the wrong way to solve this problem? is it impossible to send information from an nested conversation in to the parent conversation when using @PerNestedConversation?

          Any hints at all? Nobody here uses @PerNestedConversation in this way?

          I have been dreaming it would be nice to have something like:

          public class SomeClass{
          @In("someClass", fromParent=true)
          public SomeClass someClass;

          That would inject the instance of someClass from the parent conversation... Of course Seam does not have this feature now, but... do you think it makes sense to have it?
