11 Replies Latest reply on Dec 10, 2008 1:16 AM by luxspes

    Send e-mail



      how are you???

      excuse me, may anybody help me please?

      i need to send a simple email, but i haven't coult do it!

      the email is only text, no attachment, no images, no files, only text for now.

      thank for your help!


        • 1. Re: Send e-mail

          Is it just me or you already asked this, and already got an answer?

          Yes you did

          • 2. Re: Send e-mail

            Oh, and by the way, your name is still in ALL CAPS.

            • 3. Re: Send e-mail

              Forums do not work like you think, you have to ask specific questions like:

              I did this: Step 1, Step 2, Step 3. And then I got this error: Error with full stack trace

              If you just post i need to do X, but i can not do it you will not get much help.


              • 4. Re: Send e-mail

                Ok, i understand i.

                my case in this:

                this is my example

                 <!--<m:message xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
                          <m:subject>Open 18 - Registration Information</m:subject>
                          <m:header name="X-Composed-By" value="JBoss Seam"/>
                          <m:from name="name" address="jhonjairo.alvarezreyes@gmail.com" />
                          <m:replyTo address="jhonjairo.alvarezreyes@gmail.com"/>
                          <m:to name="Jhon Jairo Alvarez Reyes">jhon_alvarez@hotmail.com</m:to>
                              <p>Estimado Jhon jairo, </p>
                        <p>Este es el primer ejemplo de envio inmediato!!!!</p>

                this example is addapted to seam's folder

                and, i have this error:

                null error exception:need to configure the port 2525

                in internet, i have seen example equals to me, and says that don't need configure nothing, that this use same to create pdf..


                • 5. Re: Send e-mail

                  Jhon  Alvarez wrote on Dec 09, 2008 17:02:

                  Ok, i understand i.

                  I see that you name is no longer in ALL CAPS! Thanks! :-D

                  my case in this:

                  this is my example

                   <!--<m:message xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
                            <m:subject>Open 18 - Registration Information</m:subject>
                            <m:header name="X-Composed-By" value="JBoss Seam"/>
                            <m:from name="name" address="jhonjairo.alvarezreyes@gmail.com" />
                            <m:replyTo address="jhonjairo.alvarezreyes@gmail.com"/>
                            <m:to name="Jhon Jairo Alvarez Reyes">jhon_alvarez@hotmail.com</m:to>
                                <p>Estimado Jhon jairo, </p>
                          <p>Este es el primer ejemplo de envio inmediato!!!!</p>

                  this example is addapted to seam's folder

                  You mean is copied for the example project?

                  and, i have this error:

                  null error exception:need to configure the port 2525

                  Okey, now post the stacktrace. (All those messages after the exception, those tell anyone the exact lines of code where the error happened)

                  in internet, i have seen example equals to me, and says that don't need configure nothing, that this use same to create pdf..

                  From the error message you posted: need to configure the port 2525 my preliminary conclusion (you need to post the stacktrace for me to be sure) is that in your components.xml you still can find the line:

                  <mail:mail-session host="localhost" port="2525" username="test" password="test" />

                  That lines tells the application that in order to send the email, it will have to connect to an smtp email server in localhost. Do you have an smtp email server installed in your computer? If you don't then you need to install one, and tell it to listen to port 2525. Another option is to change that line in components.xml to point to the smtp server/port in your company.


                  • 6. Re: Send e-mail

                    I see some spanish in you code, so I am going to give it a try:

                    Si me explique? Te falto postear la pila de errores. Por otro lado sospecho que la razon por la que no te funciona el envio de correos es por que necesitas un servidor SMTP, Seam no manda emails por si mismo.

                    • 7. Re: Send e-mail

                      hola Francisco.

                      gracias por tu mensaje...

                      osea, tengo que instalar primero un servidor de correos y configurar la salida por el puerto 2525????

                      voy a intentarlo, muchisimas gracias!!!

                      pd: me podrias recomendar algun servidor de correos?


                      • 8. Re: Send e-mail

                        Can we get a noob an an experienced users forum?

                        I used to get such good info from this forum.  I would read every email.

                        Now I have to fish through so many trivial questions like this one just to find something new or interesting.  98% of the time I get nothing and the users questions could be answered by simply with RTM.

                        Maybe you have to be a  member for at least 6 months or 1 year or answer a certain number of questions to post to the advanced forum.

                        • 9. Re: Send e-mail

                          Or maybe just a way to filter the posts by the age of the account or the rating of the original poster.

                          • 10. Re: Send e-mail

                            Jhon  Alvarez wrote on Dec 09, 2008 20:07:

                            hola Francisco.

                            gracias por tu mensaje...

                            osea, tengo que instalar primero un servidor de correos y configurar la salida por el puerto 2525????

                            Si, exacto, tienes que instalar primero un servidor de correos, el puerto del servidor de correos no tiene que ser a fuerzas el 2525, eso depende de lo que diga tu archivo components.xml

                            voy a intentarlo, muchisimas gracias!!!

                            Ok, la proxima vez, lee con cuidado el manual, que incluye un capitulo sobre como enviar correos

                            pd: me podrias recomendar algun servidor de correos?

                            El manual de usuario (que deberias haber leido) recomienda Meldware. Pero es facil conseguir uno, hay docenas. Yo utilizo hMail para mis pruebas.

                            • 11. Re: Send e-mail

                              Jason Long wrote on Dec 09, 2008 20:37:

                              Or maybe just a way to filter the posts by the age of the account or the rating of the original poster.

                              Yes, I totally agree... is this one advanced enough? or maybe you can help me with this one? ;-)

                              (And I surely can write harder ones if you give the chance :-P)