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1. Re: Change requests for TMPARCH-9
alrubinger Aug 23, 2009 1:22 PM (in response to alrubinger)"ALRubinger" wrote:
* Seems the only purpose of MemoryMapArchiveImpl is to implement "getActualClass()". This returns the type MemoryMapArchive, which isn't really implementation-specific. Can the done in the MemoryMapArchiveBase (if we even need a base for this, probably just the impl will do).
MemoryMapArchiveImpl also closes the generic context; perhaps this was the intent? -
2. Re: Change requests for TMPARCH-9
johnbailey Aug 23, 2009 1:38 PM (in response to alrubinger)The primary purpose of MemoryMapArchiveImpl was to close the generic context. It seemed like MemoryMap would be a good base of storage archives, but the I wanted to make sure the extensions could still benifit from the generic chaining, but also provide a default impl that doesn't require a generic paramer type.
Is there another way you would like to handle this? -
3. Re: Change requests for TMPARCH-9
alrubinger Aug 23, 2009 1:40 PM (in response to alrubinger)"johnbailey" wrote:
Is there another way you would like to handle this?
Nah, if you wanna keep the context open that's cool.