2 Replies Latest reply on Dec 16, 2008 4:38 AM by joblini

    Wierd iteration with drools and identity


      I'm curious if anyone can explain what is going on here. I have an application that is using a simple rule to show/hide a piece of the page based on a user's roles. As I was trying to get the rule to work, I added some debugging code to my custom identity class (MyIdentity). So now, everything appears to be working correctly, except that a single decision on a single page view seems to be making a large amount of method calls and firing of the same rule. Is this normal?

      Applicable part of security.drl:

      rule RestrictBloodEntry
        no-loop true
        activation-group "permissions"
        check: PermissionCheck(target == "blood.entry", granted == false)
        Role(name == "phi") and 
        Role(name == "blood-entry") 
            System.out.println("The blood.entry PermissionCheck's properties are: " +
              "name=" + check.getName() + ", action=" + check.getAction());

      The applicable part of the view:

          <rich:panel rendered="#{s:hasPermission('blood.entry', 'create')}">

      The debugging statement. Each time I hit the page, 8 repetitions of this pattern occur:

      17:13:57,974 INFO  [MyIdentity] MyIdentity.hasRole()com.company.project.session.MyIdentity@2413d9
      17:13:57,974 INFO  [MyIdentity] MyIdentity.hasRole()com.company.project.session.MyIdentity@2413d9
      17:13:57,974 INFO  [MyIdentity] MyIdentity.hasRole()com.company.project.session.MyIdentity@2413d9
      17:13:57,974 INFO  [MyIdentity] MyIdentity.hasRole()com.company.project.session.MyIdentity@2413d9
      17:13:57,990 INFO  [STDOUT] The blood.entry PermissionCheck's properties are: name=blood.entry, action=create