4 Replies Latest reply on Dec 5, 2012 1:02 PM by marabacioglu

    SeamGen (EAR) with hot deploy?



      Why SeamGen generates a project that does not support hot deploy for Seam components?

      I see the 'hot' dir but it doesn't work,

      Is there any reason why it's not supported?



        • 1. Re: SeamGen (EAR) with hot deploy?

          Hi Asaf,

          If by hot deployment you mean copying an ear file to JBoss/server/configuration/deploy and having this ready for viewing in a browser without you doing anything else, this should work, even for archived ears.

          However, if you mean making changes to code and have these changes propagated to a running application, this will only work with an exploded war in development mode.  Only changes made to the Java code in the hot directory - session beans - and view pages will be hot updated.

          A very complete book explaining all this in great detail, is Seam in Action.


          • 2. Re: SeamGen (EAR) with hot deploy?


            I mean the second thing:


            My question is why it only works with WAR package, and not EAR (I understand the EJB limitations), and what is the HOT directory seam-gen generates for an EAR package,

            The limitation doesn't seems to be related to the packaging (EAR/WAR), only with the type of the classes that can be hot deployed,



            • 3. Re: SeamGen (EAR) with hot deploy?

              Hot deployment of Java classes in seam-gen EAR projects is not yet supported. The directory is there because we plan on getting something to work in the future. Note that hot deployment of web assets in EAR projects does work.

              • 4. Re: SeamGen (EAR) with hot deploy?

                Does it still work on Seam 2.3 JBoss 7.1?

                My deployment is exploded and I have this line in components.xml    <core:init debug="true" jndi-pattern="@jndiPattern@"/> I would expect it work but when I issue "ant explode" I observe the whole deployment in server.log file.