12 Replies Latest reply on Feb 17, 2011 4:07 AM by antibrumm.mfrey0.bluewin.ch

    EntityQuery with restrictions problem


      Sometimes restrictions cannot be based on EL expressions,

      I have a class that inherits EntityQuery for an entity that has a property named 'End'

      I would like to add a restriction that corresponds to a selectbox in JSF that has three string options ALL,FINISHED AND ACTIVE where:
      ALL - any entry without restrictions
      FINISHED - where End is not null
      ACTIVE - where End is null.

      so the restriction can look like

      myEntity.end is not null

      The problem is that I have to generate the value of the restriction based on the selected option,

      setRestrictionExpressionStrings expects only expressions, not static strings.

      I would like to check the returned value and add a static (string) restriction without any expression,

      I tried to override getResultList and add it to the restrictions but it resulted many new exceptions

      I couldn't find the right place to do that, is there any?



        • 1. Re: EntityQuery with restrictions problem

          Anyone have any idea?

          Many thanks,


          • 2. Re: EntityQuery with restrictions problem

            Any solution for this?

            • 3. Re: EntityQuery with restrictions problem

              you can add this in your xxxList.java file. you have private static final String[] RESTRICTIONS variable in your file. Basically add your restriction at the end of the array. everything should work fine

              • 4. Re: EntityQuery with restrictions problem

                unfortunately RESTRICTIONS does not accept restriction like this

                myEntity.end is not null 

                it requires a value binding this really annoying.

                thanks anyway.

                • 5. Re: EntityQuery with restrictions problem

                  Correct, that won't work,
                  What you can do is override getEjbql(),

                  As it's invoked on a very late phase,


                  • 6. Re: EntityQuery with restrictions problem

                    yes but with overriding getEjbql() dirty parameter checking not works and I also don't want to do this :)

                    • 7. Re: EntityQuery with restrictions problem


                      This method is invoked after properties are bounded by the JSF update phase,
                      So you can add restrictions based on conditions,

                      And yeah, I don't like overriding this method either, it's a little bit dirty but this is the best option I found so far,

                      In old versions, it was possible to override getRestrictions(), but it doesn't work anymore,


                      • 8. Re: EntityQuery with restrictions problem

                        I have similar problem where using RESTRICTIONS is not possible - in my case because I need to support OR logic.  So single value binding for me causes a problem.

                        If I understand this correctly, the suggestion is to override getEjbql() and build the query statement string myself?  If that is the case does this mean that every resultList call will be considered dirty?

                        It would be nice to still be able to use RESTRICTIONS for most of my query and then tack on any additional logic to handle non-single bindings.  But this doesn't look doable.

                        Asaf is it possible to post a little code sample of your getEjbql() override?


                        • 9. Re: EntityQuery with restrictions problem


                          Yeah, from Seam 2.x it seems like you must set the restrictions when the object is being constructed,
                          Overriding getEjbql method works,

                          Here's an example:

                          public String getEjbql() {
                            if (any logic can go here including variable of the extended EntityQuery that were set during JSF update phase) {
                              //add some a restriction here...!

                          Hmm if I remember correctly Query class iterate over all the restrictions and use AND between them while constructing the real QUERY, so I don't know how you can set OR conditions instead of AND,

                          Hope that helps,

                          • 10. Re: EntityQuery with restrictions problem

                            Yes, that's right - the current implementation of Query class does not support restrictions like:

                            "((x.y = #{ref.foo}) or (x.y = #{ref.bar}))"

                            I found that someone had created a patched version of Query that handles multiple value expressions per restriction.  I have been trying to work with that code.

                            Here is the link to the JIRA:

                            From what I can tell this patch is going to work for me.


                            • 11. Re: EntityQuery with restrictions problem
                              I had the same problem and I have solved it by placing the 'static' restriction in the WHERE clausule of the ejbql, thus something like this:

                              Select e from Entity e where e.prop = "string"

                              This works in Seam 2.2.1.cr2.
                              • 12. Re: EntityQuery with restrictions problem

                                The restrictions in EntityHome need one and exactly one EL expression. If this EL evaluates to NULL the restriction will be ignored.

                                In your case i would say you can get around your problem with adding a restriction which does always evaluate to something but has no effect on the query itself.

                                Something like this:

                                (myEntity.end is not null and 1 = #{get1})

                                where 'get1' evaluates to 1 which could be a factory on the application scope