2 Replies Latest reply on Jul 23, 2009 5:55 PM by vitorsouzabr

    Seam + a4j:support re-rendering + Hibernate Validator @Pattern



      Maybe this should be sent in Hibernate's forum or in Ajax4J's forum, but since Seam is the one that puts everything together and I got the idea of using a4j:support for AJAX validation in the Reference guide for Seam, I'm posting here. Sorry if misplaced.

      I have a form with AJAX Validation like this:

      <s:decorate id="zipCodeDecoration" template="/resources/templates/#{applicationInformation.decorator}/formfield.xhtml">
           <ui:define name="label"><h:outputText value="#{messages['manageSpiritists.form.zipCode']}" /></ui:define>
           <h:inputText id="zipCode" value="#{selectedEntity.address.zipCode}" size="10" disabled="#{readOnly}">
                <a4j:support event="onblur" reRender="zipCodeDecoration" bypassUpdates="false" />
                <rich:jQuery selector="#zipCode" query="mask('99999-999')" timing="onload" />

      An on the zipCode property in the Address class, I had the Hibernate Validator annotation @Pattern(regex = "[0-9]{5}-[0-9]{3}"), representing the Brazilian ZIP code format: 99999-999.

      With this regular expression, the form does not accept null values. If I leave the field blank, it warns me when I leave the field (onblur) and it throws an exception if I try to submit the form.

      I tried changing the expression to () or ([0-9]{5}-[0-9]{3}) (the () in the beginning would accommodate for empty strings. This way it accepts sending the form without a value in the field (no exception thrown anymore), but it still warns me onblur.

      A note on Seam Text: in the new regular expression above, where there is or , there should be a pipe: |. I tried putting \| in the expression, but it kept giving me an error. In other words, Seam Text doesn't accept |\||. Close parenthesis...

      What's the right way to indicate that I want either a null/empty field, or a field with the specified pattern?


      Vítor Souza

        • 1. Re: Seam + a4j:support re-rendering + Hibernate Validator @Pattern

          Hi there,

          what I did to get it going: I did use @Pattern, but I extended it with a


          this way, it also permits an empty string. E.g. my phone number pattern looks like this:

          @Pattern(regex="^((\\+\\d{1,3}(-| )?\\(?\\d\\)?(-| )?\\d{1,5})|(\\(?\\d{2,6}\\)?))(-| )?(\\d{3,4})(-| )?(\\d{4})(( x| ext| \\/|\\/)\\d{1,5}){0,1}$||()",
                              message="Invalid phone number")


          • 2. Re: Seam + a4j:support re-rendering + Hibernate Validator @Pattern
            Hi, thanks for the response! I didn't touch this project for quite a while, and now that I've resumed working on it, I tried your suggestion, but it still didn't work.

            I also tried the pattern


            but also no good. Funny thing is


            returns true. The pattern is correct. Someone else is screwing up or maybe Hibernate Validator doesn't work like String.matches()...

            Thanks anyways,

            Vítor Souza