0 Replies Latest reply on Jan 8, 2009 4:02 PM by parrot

    Unable to save using HibernateEntityHome for the data retreived by HibernateEntityQuery


      I am doing a seam project. The requirement is retreiving data from database and show it in JSF datatable.Each row of the datatable has Approve link(s:link). when the user click the link it should open a popup  which contains a text area to add comments and approve button. when the button clicked, the comment should be saved in the respective entity and corresponding row in database. 

      I am able to retrieve data and display it datatable using HibernateEntityQuery. And also I am able to open Rich faces Modal Panel. But I am unable to pass the  Id of the entity.After clicking  the button in modal panel  I am unable to access the home object. The method inside home is called but this.instance returns null and also text area value is  null. 

      Please help me to complete the task .