2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 10, 2009 3:06 AM by jerry426

    reading a form value in EntityHome constructor - how??


      I have the following EntityHome constructor (part of this is obviously psuedocode):

      public TicketList() { 
         if (theFormField > 0) {   
            EJBQL += " WHERE id IN (" + StringUtils.join(someMethod(theFormField), ",") + ")";  

      I cannot figure out how to access theFormField from inside the constructor. Any suggestions? Or should I be doing this some other way?

        • 1. Re: reading a form value in EntityHome constructor - how??

          I meant to say EntityQuery, not EntityHome!

          • 2. Re: reading a form value in EntityHome constructor - how??

            I figured out a solution to my problem. I was trying to get access to a submitted form value in my EntityQuery constructor (which was originally created by seam-gen), however, every other way to do it I could find would not work in the constructor.

            Perhaps there's a cleaner/better way to do this - but it's working well so I'm happy :-)

            My relevant class level declarations:

            // WHERE 1=1 is in here so we can simply append AND statements elsewhere in this class.
            private String EJBQL = "SELECT ticket FROM Ticket ticket WHERE 1=1";
            // this gives us direct access to the RequestParameterMap.
            private Map<String, String> requestParameters = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap();

            Then I made an override for getEjbql() like this:

            public String getEjbql() {
               return EJBQL;

            then I can modify EJBQL:

            private void applyGroupFilter() {
               List<String> groupList = someMethod(requestParameters.get("groupId"));
               // make sure the SQL is harmlessly valid if groupList is empty
               // and add the list to the EJBQL
               EJBQL += " AND id IN (" + StringUtils.join(groupList, ",") + ")";

            Now when the rest of the framework code executes, it will get the modified EJBQL value.